  • 學位論文


The competition analysis of LED industry manufactuer-the application of the niche strategy

指導教授 : 王秉鈞


近年由於全球能源消耗的情況加速惡化,對於環境的破壞也日漸加劇,環境保護已成為本世紀最重要的課題,在環保意識高漲下,能夠符合環保要求的產品才能在未來的市場上佔有一席之地,而發光二極體(Light Emitting Diode)具有節能、壽命長、污染低和效率高的特性,完全符合環保的潮流,綠色光源將成為下一世代光源的新寵兒。隨著LED產品的應用層面持續擴大,其潛在市場非常龐大,歐美日等先進國家早已把LED列為重點發展項目。 對LED廠商經營者來說,面對LED產業快速發展的過程中,有那些關鍵因素足以影響LED產業廠商之競爭優勢?而在LED產業發展歷程中廠商應具備那些生存條件?以因應經營環境之變化等等,都是值得探討的課題。探討產業內生態消長的情況,可藉由族群生態的觀點,來觀察產業內廠商與環境的互動情形,並瞭解產業內個別廠商如何在競爭激烈的環境中爭取更大的生存空間。 本研究以個案研究方法,以組織生態理論之利基(Niches)理論為基礎,並配合個人親身經歷之創業個案,結合文獻探討及次級資料,運用生態觀點中的「天擇」與「利基廣度」的觀念來深入探討LED廠商利基策略的應用。首先,將此論點套用至企業組織上來觀察LED廠商的發展及生存條件,以及利用此論點來觀察廠商在LED產業演進中所形成之競爭態勢;藉此瞭解廠商如何因應環境之改變或其技術之變革,及其有利生存之利基策略為何。


The environment protection topic has occupied the top of the global concerned issues, due to the consumption of the global resources and the decline of the world environment. The environment consciousness has become a criterion for modern production.The LED (Light Emitting Diode) is energy-conserving, long-lived low-polluting, high-efficient product, and is turning into a answer of the future lighting business. As the industrial implementation expanded, some countries (i.e. US, EURO, Japan) have notice the potential market and future development of the LED. To the manufacturers, what are the key elements to compete with the others? And what is the factor of those successes cases of the industry's history. These are the key questions to be answered in this study. Considering the ecological environment of the industry, we may find the trace of the manufactory developments, observe the interaction between the competitors, and the change of environment requirements.The methodology of this thesis was case study, which base on the theory of the population ecology and business strategy.


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