  • 學位論文


Process Analysis and Systems Comparison in Procurement Management - in the industries of information and electronics

指導教授 : 湯 玲 郎


摘 要 採購管理對整個企業經營影響極大,運用得當可降低企業整體營運成本,增加營業利潤,對原物料品質穩定、價格合理、交期配合與售後服務等有相當助益。目前採購管理可分為兩大體制一為政府機關及公營事業,另一為民間企業。政府機關及公營事業有一套非常完備之採購制度即政府採購法;而民間企業作法各家不同;本文探討此兩大採購體制之管理流程與制度,研究重點為請購流程、採購方式、履約管理、供應商管理、採購權責劃分、採購績效等方面。 本文以中華電信供應商作企業訪談或問卷寄發對象,回收後進行整理與分析 ;本研究主要結論如下:採購為企業很重要的一環,民間企業以及時滿足用料需求,降低企業經營成本為目標;流程以靈活、便利快捷為主而公開性則非重要考量,採購對象以合作廠商或曾履約之供應商列為優先,採購人員對於選商有相當自主權,廠商配合度高低及履約品質是選商重要依據,決標權限則以採購預算金額作不同授權;而政府採購體制係以採購法為最高準則,主要精神為公開、公平與遵守法規為主,由於法規較繁瑣故不易兼具民間企業的靈活性與自主性。 本研究參考各企業作法、政府採購制度及研究者實務經驗,並融合理論與 實務及各家所長,提出採購建議方案希望能使採購作業簡單化、制度化及效率化 ,雖建議的方案未必能適用每家企業,但企業可依本身規模及性質視需要擇項使 用,以提升採購作業績效。 關鍵字:採購管理、採購流程、履約管理、供應商管理


ABSTRACT Procurement management has a significant influence on the overall business operation. When applied appropriately, it can assist the enterprise to maintain the supply and quality of the material, and further reduce overall operation cost and thereby increase the operation profit. In addition, it facilitates stable material quality, reasonable price, delivery request, and customer service. Currently in Taiwan, there are two procurement management systems, one is for government sectors and government-owned enterprises, the other one is for private enterprises. For public sectors, a well-defined, comprehensive procurement management mechanism based on Government Procurement Regulation has been installed, while for the private enterprises, various measures are adopted with the main emphasis on in-time supply. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the process and system of procurement management by looking at the above-mentioned systems, with the focus on aspects such as procurement procedure, procurement method, Administration of Contract Performance, supplier management, role/responsibility in procurement, and performance of procurement. A survey was conducted through interviews or questionnaires aiming at CHT’s suppliers. The responses were then collected and analyzed to provide a summary. We arrive at the conclusion that most corporation view procurement as an integral part of business operation, with in-time supplying and reasonable pricing being its top requirements. The speediness, rather than openness, is a main concern when it comes to the procurement procedure. Cooperating vendor or contracted suppliers are the preferred procurement target. Sufficient authorization to select vendors, degree of vendors’ willingness to cooperate, and quality of the delivery are important criteria for choosing suppliers. Furthermore, the authorization of concluding the bid depends on the procurement volume. Check and acceptance of the delivery is the responsibility of the party which requested the procurement.


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