  • 學位論文


Applying Customer Relationship Management (CRM) concepts for credit card customer segmentation: An example of T bank

指導教授 : 陳家祥


CRM導入信用卡客戶區隔經營模式,在學術上及相關文件與實證研究較缺乏,本篇論文利用客戶的個人基本資料(Profile)人口統計(Demographics)資料及銀行關聯式資料庫,透過資料探勘的技術發展出對信用卡貢獻度不同客戶區隔模型,找出顧客信用卡消費行為模式,隨著貢獻度的變化,與潛在風險,所能產生的不同行銷模式及行銷策略,增加顧客消費及避免顧客流失,創造銀行的收益。 本研究以呆戶非自願流失客戶為本次模型建置之目標客群,為本個案研究的主題,並透過 Test & Learn實驗組與對照組的實驗結果,以了解顧客行為的特徵模式,獲得重要規則,並提供企業決策者適當的策略與建議。 由本研究的結論得知:有效利用系統分析客戶交易行為是降低客戶流失率的重要關鍵之一。而客戶接觸策略(如歡迎電話)易帶來新商機,並可藉機確認客戶滿意度,客戶使用經驗直接影響客戶的重複動用,在客戶動用期間提早建立較深關係可建立交叉銷售或產品交易時序 (Next to Buy)。故影響客戶經驗最巨的第一線員工應提供最好的品質表現。


Due to the lack of academic and research documentation for applying CRM on credit card holder; this thesis is aimed to aggregate customer profile, demographics information and bank transactional database to find out different models of contribution for each customer. Further, based on the contribution and risk of the customers, different marketing strategies and sales models were developed in order to create most benefit for the bank without losing customers. This research is based on bad debt account and reluctantly losing account as target customer of the research model in order to understand customer’s characteristic by test & learn group and then provides the suitable strategy and suggestions for firms. The conclusion suggests that using system analysis for customer’s transaction, is the key point to avoid losing customers. Besides, the customer connection strategies (such as phone greeting) would bring new business innovation and make sure at the beginning of cross selling or next to buy process as well. Therefore, an excellent performance provided by employee who works in frontline operations has the most influence on customer experiences.


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