  • 學位論文


Disruptive Innovation in M-Commerce Business Models-A Case Study of Taiwan's Mobile Application Services Industry

指導教授 : 何建德
共同指導教授 : 李中興(Chung-Shing Lee)


商務行為一直是一個社會的基本交易功能,從傳統的交易行為,演變成電子商務的交易活動,簡化了許多交易過程中的繁瑣與不確定性,讓全世界的經濟更加快速的發展。近年來從電子商務轉換成行動商務的話題不斷襲來,雖然似乎只是從一個有線的環境改變成無線的交易環境,但是這個變化將會對全世界的交易行為有著破壞性創造的改變。也因為這樣的轉變,將會使得企業在經營模式上必須跟著行動商務的特性改變,不再能遵循著電子商務的經營模式,才能在行動商務市場佔有一席之地。 台灣的行動電話普及率領先世界各國,但是卻始終停留在語音服務的部分,行動加值服務的營運收入始終沒有突破,因此本研究將綜合行動商務的關鍵屬性以及過往的經營模式進行整合的研究,因為能夠幫助台灣的行動商務業者闖出一片天。本研究將行動商務的關鍵屬性界定七個方面,行動性、高度接觸性是行動商務的基本關鍵屬性;無所不在、個人化、定位化、立即性的連接、方便性,五個面向是經過行動商務的運用後,會產生的附加價值。在經營模式的方面,本研究放棄許多學者以管理學或策略角度所擬定的經營模式概念,而採用了企業最基本的經濟學概念,運用成本模式、收入與成長模式來觀察個案公司是否有在經營活動中,掌握最基本的經濟學概念,因此「行動商務經營模式的創新」將透過這兩者的結合,產生六大命題,並且會透過個案研究的方法來驗證這六大命題是否值得學界與業界參考。 個案的選擇以行動市場中B2C為主,因此以台灣行動加值產業為例,由於透過行動加值產業很容易去觀察行動商務的價值是否已經落實在社會大眾的行為中,更可以代表行動商務整體在台灣被運用的程度,因此,本研究利用質化研究之個案分析,訪問了兩家電信產業,透過與公司高層的訪談瞭解業界在經營活動上實際面臨的問題與挑戰。 研究中發現,雖然行動加值產業對於行動商務的關鍵屬性都很瞭解,但是卻沒有辦法靈活運用於其營運活動,使得經營效果與理想狀態有很大的落差,在行動性的關鍵屬性下,尚未無法深植於消費者的使用態度,且服務類別雖然廣泛,但是卻無法真正瞭解消費者的需求在哪裡,也使得附加價值無法完整的展現出來;在經營模式的概念下,由於使用者的人數少,使得該產業無法獲得規模經濟的效果:在範疇經濟中,資訊服務的深度與廣度也無法準確的拿捏消費者的需求等,因此都有值得檢討的地方,這樣的結果也代表著台灣在3G的全面應用後,業者還有很大的空間需要好好努力,才有機會達到行動商務的環境。


E-commerce is a disruptive innovation that has transformed the rules of competition and created new value propositions and business models. The change brought by the Internet was fundamental and strategic. To be successful, the implementation of e-commerce is not merely the extension of traditional business model online. Rather, organizations must be able to identify and capitalize on the key attributes of e-commerce in order to create competitive advantages and sustain superior performance in the new economy. Businesses that are in capable of understanding the economic logic of the new economy and unable to capture the key attributes of e-commerce in order to design a viable business model will definitely result in failure. The same logic also applies to the implementation of m-commerce. To succeed in m-commerce businesses, organizations must design and implement business models that capitalize on the unique attributes of mobile Internet commerce, which are the two specific attributes: mobility and reachability, and five other value-added attributes: ubiquity, personalization, localization, convenience, and instant connectivity. To study m-commerce business model innovation, this research applies the economic theory to analyze the specific cost, revenue, and growth models and investigate whether an innovative m-commerce business model capitalize on the key attributes identified earlier. Consequently, six propositions have been developed to guide the empirical study using the case research methodology. Two leading companies in Taiwan’s mobile application services industry have been selected for the case study. The mobile communication service market in Taiwan is very competitive due to the general popularity of mobile phone. However, voice communication is still the core business for mobile telecommunication service providers in Taiwan. For mobile application service providers, the key challenge is to identify the value propositions and capitalize on m-commerce’s key value-added attributes to design and implement viable business models. The empirical research finds the mobile applications services industry in Taiwan is still unable to achieve scale and scope economies. Although mobile application service providers understand the key attributes of m-commerce, but they are still unable to capitalize on them to create viable business models. The major challenge for mobile application service providers in Taiwan is to understand the consumer demand or tacit needs for mobile value-added services. The development of moble application services should be customer or demand-driven, rather than supply-oriented.


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