  • 學位論文


Multi- Mobile Agent based Virtual Alliance Formation (MAVAF) Platform with Virtual Collaboration Support

指導教授 : 蘇傳軍


網際網路的誕生與普及,改變了整個世界。昔日人們想像中毫無交集的兩個空間,變的有交集,而存在於它們之間的限制與隔閡,也因為不斷擴張的網際網路空間而消弭。在網際網路的紀元裡,人們可以透過網際網路,立即與位於世界另一端的人們即時連線溝通與交談。現今,這互相連結的環境造就了時間壓力、錯綜複雜、快速變遷的全球性競爭世界,同時,也誕生了一個新的群體關係–「虛擬同盟」(Virtual Alliance)。虛擬同盟的方式有別於過去傳統的合作伙伴或結盟關係,虛擬同盟一般而言所針對的是有彈性且生命週期短的產品或特定專案。其主要是以競爭力作為同盟依據,而非過去的關係。透過虛擬同盟,新產品由設計生產到上市的時間將會大幅的縮短;專案將會最佳地被履行完成。然而,這樣的同盟是相當難建置與維持的,也更加的難以去轉換成實際的價值。因此,「虛擬同盟」即是支援上述所需之高度彈性、遠距接觸與資訊強化關係的需求,所發展出的資訊與通訊的科技架構。 多重代理人與行動代理人影響所及的觀念,幾乎遍佈所有電腦資訊學科。其中「全球性的企業合作關係」是為大家所公認最成功的應用。代理人於全球正在發展之網際網路資訊與電子商務系統中,扮演著關鍵的組成要素,而多重代理人與行動代理人為目前企業的實施實務,提供了最具彈性以及最有效率的電腦計算運作架構。在本研究中,我們期望實現「虛擬同盟」的概念,一個以多重代理人及行動代理人為基的架構,來創造與維持合作夥伴之間最根本的合作關係。除此之外,再運用JAVA與VRML所創建出具有協同作業視覺化的虛擬協同作業環境(Virtual Reality-based Collaborative Environment,VRCE),來支援存在於固有複雜的產品生命週期中,需要產品設計師與工程師共同參與合作的協同作業。


Since the inception and spread of the internet, our world has changed. Boundaries once thought un-crossable have not only been crossed, they have been erased by the expansion of cyberspace. In the era of Internet, one can hop online and instantly connect with someone on the other side of the world. Today’s interconnected environment creates a world of global competition featured time pressures, complexity, and rapid changes. It also makes a new relationship the Virtual Alliance possible. The virtual alliance differs in significant ways from traditional partnership or alliance: they are generally product and project focused, flexible and short lived. It is based primarily on competencies rather than historical relationships or cost. With virtual alliance, the time-to-market of a new product can be maximally shortened; the accomplishment of a project can be optimally performed. Nevertheless such an alliance is generally difficult to create, maintain, and even more difficult to turn to value. What’s needed is an infrastructure based on information and communication technologies that can support the flexible, far reaching, information intensive relationship – Virtual Alliance. Multi-agents and mobile agent technologies are making significant impacts upon almost all aspects of computing discipline. One of the admittedly most successful applications is in global business partnerships, directly due to the nature of the problem. Agents act as key components in the Internet-wide information and e-commerce systems that are currently being developed across the globe, and multi-agents and mobile agents provide most feasible and effective computational frameworks for contemporary business practices. In this project, we proposed the development of a multi-agent and mobile agent based infrastructure for creating and maintaining the ultimate partnership – Virtual Alliance. Furthermore, a Virtual Reality-based Collaborative Environment, which is a Java and VRML based virtual reality environment with collaborative visualization to support inherently complex product life-cycle collaboration that require designers and engineers to work together.


virtual alliance multi-agent mobile agent


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