  • 學位論文


The development Strategy for CathayPacific Airways and Singapore Airlines in AsiaPacific region --- From the viewpoint of multi-level competition

指導教授 : 陳俊忠


本研究係以審視宏觀環境(macro environment)觀點,比較與分析亞洲主流航空公司中之兩翹楚-位於香港之國泰航空公司與位於新加坡之新加坡航空公司。在同一航空產業規範中,面對其內外部環境因素優劣態勢及公司先後天條件之不同情況下,此個案公司該如何「看看周遭;想想自己」,進而擬定各自之優勢競爭策略。而此所謂之「周遭」就是本研究所認為之「產業環境」,「宏觀環境」與「競爭對手」。所謂之「想想自己」乃是「自我審核」,即以自我SWOT分析為主,覓強補弱。宏觀環境之改變對企業能否如期順利的達到其預設之目標有著深遠的影響。而公司之策略更會隨著環境之不停變遷而隨時調整。是環境因素造就了成功的企業,抑或是企業改造了環境,還是二者相輔相成,此皆為本研究欲探討之範疇。 本研究採用個案研究分析方法,透過國內外之文獻探討,初級資料及次級資料之蒐集,訪談之比較,探討此兩強航空公司該如何因應宏觀環境所帶來之機會與命運、變化與發展。並經由對個案公司的產業環境、外部環境及內部環境的比較評估,找尋其可為公司掌握與運用公司之生存策略與差異定位、成功核心價值與優勢所在,進而制定出一套競爭策略,並藉此優勢競爭策略在亞太暨全球航空市場中持續保持其領先態勢。 經由本研究探討歸納分析,認為國泰航空的生存、成功及優勢競爭發展策略為: 壹.國泰航空公司得到了相當多的宏觀環境帶來的競爭優勢。 貳.國泰航空的生存策略是採取「保守觀望情勢,跟隨競爭者學習,迅速根據環境應變,開始超越競爭對手」的四部曲。 參.國泰航空的成功策略是採取「非常有效率的成本控管與second to none policy」的高度成功整合。 肆.國泰航空的目標與宗旨是「做為一個優質服務領先者,及全球最令人景仰尊崇的航空公司」。 伍.國泰航空的發展策略是「背靠中國、立足香港、胸懷亞太、放眼天下」 認為新加坡航空的生存、成功及優勢競爭發展策略為: 壹.新加坡航空公司認為「人」及「人所提供出來的服務」是新加坡航空致勝成功的關鍵,以「人及新航的核心能力」為成功策略之基礎。 貳.新加坡航空的成功策略是把原本認為會衝突的「低成本」與「差異化」高度成功整合採取。新航一直以來,刻意製造與強調其與其他競爭對手的服務差異。 參.新加坡航空的成功策略是採取「採行顧客導向為先,主動分析顧客需求,為顧客提供最精緻的服務,讓顧客對新航產生忠實感」。 肆.新加坡航空的目標與宗旨是「不要做為一個全球最大的航空公司,卻要做為全球航空業『服務標準的定義者』及『全球獲利率最好的航空公司』」 伍.新加坡航空的發展策略是「咽控六甲、繁榮獅城、定義服務、優質領先」


The strategies of corporate operations should always be adjusted which basing to the influences of the environment and terms. Thus, this research, based on a macro environment viewpoint, addresses a structurally analytical comparison between two leading Asian airlines-Cathay Pacific Airways based in Hong Kong and Singapore Airlines from the city-state of Singapore, it also proceeds on evaluation of the internal, industrial and external environment, which to propose the main factors of how the enterprise generates the competitive strategies. Subject to the same business climate, the two airlines have differently come up with their own SWOT strategies in order to survive and prosper from their respective ups and downs. How the two case study companies have managed to "look around" and "think aback" before determining their competitive strategies? "Look around" refers to " industrial environment", "macro environment" and "competitors". Cited in this research. "Look aback" means self-examination, in other words, it also means a self-SWOT. That aims for optimization. Based on the case-study-method, this research goes through relevant literatures from home and abroad, collecting both primary and advanced data. It focuses on how the two companies grasp and utilize their core values as well as superiority to map out their successful strategies that have made them an outstanding Asian Duo in the global red sea of airlines industries. Along with doing case study analysis of Cathay pacific Airways and Singapore Airlines, the formation of competitive strategies for low cost airlines will be discussed as well, it will be better providing references for the industrial to make and revise their competitive strategies in airline industry. Thus, whether enterprises can achieve their goals successfully often influence on environmental changes. Under such a premise,the corporation mission should apply different strategy in different period of time. This research concludes that Cathay Pacific Airways attributes its survival and success to the following: 1. CX gained many macro environment advantages that initiate its competing edge. 2. CX's four surviving steps are: looking around conservatively,hitting the beaten track, self-calibrating quickly, and prevailing steadily. 3. CX's succeeding strategies arise from a significant synergy of its effective cost control as well as its policy of being "Second to None". 4. CX commits to becoming a global leading quality service provider and a worldwide respectable airlines. 5. CX's developing strategies are: leaning on china, setting afoot in Hong Kong, an Asian player all but achieving its global wonder. This research also concludes that Singapore Airlines attributes its survival and success to the following: 1. SQ sticks to its "human" and "humanized services," believing they are its core powers that have become the founding stone of its successful strategies. 2. SQ successfully overcame an impossible synergy between a lower cost and self-differentiation, which they had long believed to be mutual exclusive. 3. SQ's succeeding strategies are: customer orientation, customer needs prioritizing, showing customers the most delicate ever provided services, and gaining customers' fundamental loyalty to SQ. 4. SQ commits to not becoming the world's biggest airlines, instead it aspires to making its name synonymous to " a service goals setter" and "the most profitable airlines." 5. SQ's developing strategies are: dominating the Strait of Malacca, enriching the lion city, defining services standards, and a prevailing quality initiative.


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