  • 學位論文


A study on the problems derived from private equity funds operate LBOs

指導教授 : 丘邦翰


近二十年來,許多私募股權基金融資購併案例在國際資本市場成為熱門議題。亞洲資本市場(包含台灣在內)目前已成為國際私募股權基金重點投資區域,許多人對此現象抱持正面看法,但我們更不能忽視其所可能帶來的負面影響。 本論文從討論私募股權與融資購併開始,不僅試著從金融市場、國家租稅、產業、私募股權基金本身與被投資公司4個層面,探討私募股權基金融資購併操作所可能衍生的種種問題,並極力蒐集先進國家因應之道以為台灣之借鏡。透過架構化的分析與實際案例之佐證,期望有助於有關當局更為清楚了解其風險所在,並有利於相關政策規範之制定。


In the recent 20 years, many leveraged buyout cases caused by private equity funds have become the most popular subjects in the international capital market. Asian capital market, Taiwanese included, is now the key focused investment area for the international private equity funds. Many people take a positive point of views about the phenomenon. But we cannot neglect the negative influence which it possibly brings. The paper, started from the discussion of private equity and leveraged buyout, has not only tried to investigate all sorts of problems derived from private equity funds operating leveraged buyout from 4 different perspectives-financial market, taxation, industry, fund itself and target company, but also makes efforts to collect rules and regulations of other countries as a guide-line for Taiwan. By conducting the structural analysis and submitting actual cases as a proof , the findings of this paper are expected to be helpful for the authorities to clarify the risk involved and to make relevant policies.


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