  • 學位論文


The Investigation of the Antecedents and Consequence of Traditional Group Buying and Online Group Buying Perceptions: A Structural Equation Modeling Approach

指導教授 : 廖淑伶


在台灣,傳統團購和網路團購都非常熱門,尤其在不景氣的年代,團購更能吸引消費者的目光。過去有很多學者的研究著重於網路團購等相關議題上,像是網路團購機制以及加入網路團購意圖等,然而鮮少有學者研究傳統團購,有鑑於兩種團購方式在台灣都非常普及,於是我們希望建立一個研究架構是關於傳統團購和網路團購知覺的前因後果關係。問卷發放是以紙本以及網路問卷兩種方式進行,紙本是以滾雪球的方式讓大家填寫,網路問卷則主要是透過BBS (ptt)和台灣最大團購網ihergo來發放。 問卷收集完後,以結構方程模式來分析資料,結果顯示:傳統團購者深受主購以及其他團購成員所影響,而網路團購者則會把焦點放在產品的相關訊息上;兩種團購方式都深受主觀規範的影響進而影響其團購知覺;知覺風險與網路團購知覺存在負相關,而傳統團購知覺則完全與知覺風險無相關;傳統團購者相較於網路團購者對於主購有較高的信任感,且也較願意再次跟隨同一位主購所發起的團購。從以上結果得知,店家可以針對不同類型的顧客施予不同的行銷策略手法,如此一來,不管是店家還是顧客都能從中得利。


Both traditional group buying and online group buying are the hit in the recent years. There are plenty of researchers have studied online group buying, while it seems to be very few researchers examined traditional group buying. Due to the pervasion of both group-buying forms, we hope to develop a comprehensive research framework of the antecedents and consequence of traditional group buying and online group buying perceptions. A questionnaire survey was mainly collected from BBS(ptt) and ihergo.com. After the analysis with SEM method, we found that: (1) traditional group buyers are profoundly influenced by the initiator and other followers, while online group buyers emphasize more on the product related information. (2) Both group buyers are deeply affected by normative social influence. (3) Perceived risk has a negative effect on online group buying perception, but no influence on traditional group buying perception. (4) Traditional group buyers have higher trust in the initiator and higher intentions to stay with the initiator than online group buyers. From the results of this study, the suggestion is that sellers could set different strategies to different group of consumers and both parties could benefit from it.


王玫晴 (2006),「線上合購之消費者價值認知結構」,國立成功大學國際企業研究所碩士論文。
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