  • 學位論文


Credit Card Risk Management Using Artificial Neural Networks

指導教授 : 李錫捷
共同指導教授 : 盧以詮(Yi-Chuan Lu)


近年來由於塑膠貨幣的崛起,使得信用卡市場蓬勃發展,並在近十年間成長了近16倍。也使得各家銀行對信用卡市場莫不投入相當的資源以搶食這塊大餅。然而,也因為競爭激烈,使用各家銀行莫不降低申請的門檻,以提高客戶申請的意願。然而,也因為銀行忽略了發卡的風險管理,使得銀行因卡債所產生的呆帳年年增加。產生了未蒙其利,先受其害的現象。所以,如何在發卡之前,針對客戶的歷史資料,建構出一套有效的預警系統,降低銀行的損失,為本研究的目的。 本研究根據銀行的資料主檔、信用卡資料及客戶的聯徵中心資料等,應用類神經網路分群的特性,找出信用不佳的潛在因素,並利用關聯度的方法,找出與信用不佳關聯較高的變數。藉以預測潛在信用不佳的客戶,而實證結果亦顯示,預測的準確率達九成以上。隨著預警系統的準確率提高,相信亦能讓銀行在客戶的風險管理上更能確切的掌握。 本研究著重於針對銀行現存客戶進行預測,未來若能採集新客戶的資料樣本作研究,找出新客戶是否有某些特徵可依循,相信未來亦可針對新客戶作風險預測,以使銀行降低發卡風險,提高獲利。


Due to the use of plastic currency rising abruptly in recent years,the credit card market grow up vigorously and also it increased near 16 times in the past 10 years. All of banks devoted to make a large investment in the credit card market in order to get the maximum profits in the competition market. However, in this intense competition market,all the banks are trying to reduce the requirements for customer application in order to enhance the customers’ intention to apply credit card. Because of that, the banks ignored the risk management of credit card approval that makes the bad debt increased every year. That is why the bank did not get the profits but a great loss. The object of this research is how to build the warning system which base on the information of customer history to reduce the banks’ losses before the credit card approval. The research is according to the database of banks,including main data、credit card data and the customer data from JCIC(Joint Credit Information Center), and then use the characteristics of neural network to find out the potential factors of the bad credit and finally use relation method to find out the higher (important) relative variable (parameters) of bad credit. The study results show that the accuracy of forecast rate of the warning system is 90% above. Along with early warning system's rate of accuracy enhancement,the bank can also regulate the risk management of customers more easier. The research is focus on forecast of the existence customers of the bank. If the collection of new customer data are available,we believe the warning system will work well and the bank will lessen risk of card approval and will increase the profits.


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葉宣萱(2010)。影響銀行授信戶協商違約成敗因素之探討 ─以消金無擔保客戶為例〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/cycu201000359
