  • 學位論文


Catching-up & Leaping-forward Competitive Strategy Discussion-Instance with certain PDP Manufacturer

指導教授 : 徐學忍


近年來台灣電子產業,如:發光二極體(LED)、半導體、液晶面板(LCD)…等,迅速發展,同時也帶動下游產業,如:筆記型電腦、平面電視、電腦監視器…等達到出貨的高峰。許多業者,如:中華映管及台塑光電在1999年,更積極加入電漿面板產業,期望能在液晶面板外開創出一個新的局面。可惜幾年後,在日、韓大廠競爭下,陸陸續續退出。韓國廠商在電漿面板的初期,也是完全依賴日商的技術與設備,但是卻能持續的與日商競爭,甚至在2004年超越過日本的電漿顯示面板業者。其中的原因值得探討,同時也能做為進入下一個產業的借鏡。 台灣本身內需不大,長期以代工出口為主軸。常見電子產業都以垂直整合為主要策略,整合的標的產品皆以關鍵零組件為主,關鍵零組件往往都是資金技術密集的產業,同時又要面對國外大廠競爭。因此,在大量資源投入後,勢必要有良好的策略,來超越領先者。此一研究希望能從中找出關鍵成功因素,來供業者參考。研究發現一個產業的發展除了資金、技術、設備外,還必須搭配品牌、集團資源來維持一定的經濟規模,同時投入不斷的研發,提升產能及效率,才能維持競爭優勢,面對國外的競爭。


Taiwan IT industries fast development in recent years, from upper stream, LED& LCD, further down to NB, Flat panel display and PC monitors, had attracted many IT giants like CPT and Formosa in 1999, to actively invest in PDP industry. Unlike Taiwan players that eventually withdrawn from the market, Korean players are able to compete and even surpass Japanese players by year 2004, despite the fact Korean players too heavily relied on Japanese technology and facility in the beginning. Taiwan,an ODM exporting oriented country owing to limited market scale. Its IT industries generally seek vertical intergration among key components as main strategy. Key component industries are capital and technology intensive and constantly confronting international competition. Compelling strategy is thus a must after heavy investments to surpass other competitors. This discussion seeks to gain insight into the problem, reasoning key success factors other than capital, technology and facility; like brand value, corporate resources, economy of scale, investment in R&D and yield efficient enhancing, thereby applying to future prospective industries.


4. 李鴻鈞(1998),『主要PDP廠商量產進展』,光電產業技術發展聯盟。
13. 黃煥智(2006),『電漿顯示器在台灣發展的關鍵成功因素探討』,元智大學企業管理研究所碩士論文。
2. Display Search: Customer Satisfaction Report May 2003.
4. Kotler, P.,(1999). Marketing Management: Analysis, Planning and Control, (10th ed.).N.Y. : Prentice Hall Inc.,
7. Porter,Michael.E.(1990),”The Competitive Advantage of Nations”,Harvard


