  • 學位論文

民用航空器維修廠經營策略之研究 -以個案公司為例

Business Strategy for Maintenance and Repair Organization of Civil Aviation - A Case Study of the Studied Company

指導教授 : 鄭雅穗


航空運輸產業深受經濟景氣表現的影響。在進入21世紀後,航空公司迭逢各式挑戰,尤其以原油價格的持續上漲對於航空公司的營收衝擊最大,再加上2008年後期發生的金融風暴深深打擊民眾的消費意願,使得旅客搭機及航空貨運需求雙雙迅速下滑,再次重擊航空公司的經營表現。 個案公司在面對金融風暴所造成全球的經濟不景氣,遭逢自創立以來最嚴峻的挑戰及考驗,其所採取的因應策略以開發收入、降低成本為主軸。在航機維護方面,屬於航空公司必要的長期投資,成為現階段有效自我成本控制的項目之ㄧ,如何增進航機維修之經營績效,已成為首要之務。個案公司修護工廠在開發收入及降低成本所採取的做法分別為:在顧客機方面增加顧客機維修收入;在公司機方面採取自修與外修併行的方式降低公司機的維護成本。 本研究將對於航機維修產業及個案公司修護工廠,分別探討其內部組織的因素及外在環境的變化,並整理、分析及歸納其經營策略的表現。研究發現:在產業方面,政府部門事前未做妥資源規劃,使得台灣民用航空器維修廠未能發揮策略聯盟的優勢;在個案公司方面,維修體系更迭頻繁造成相關權責不明確;在個案公司修護工廠方面,航機維修策略混淆、資訊系統未有效整合及缺乏足夠之業務人員將成為未來競爭力的隱憂。 航機維修產業不只是單純的民用航空器維修,其上下游產業關聯面寬廣更是發展高技術性工業的基礎,然而因有資金需求大及回收期長的特性,一般民間投資意願明顯不足。政府部門應積極建置環境,將航機維修產業發展成下一波的明星產業,將有助於台灣未來成為亞太營運中心目標的達成。


Air transport industry is significantly influenced by the economic performance. Since 21st century started, every airlines has been facing most of challenges in years. Especially with Crude oil prices continued to raise, it shows significant downturn in revenue income. Worse to came was late 2008; the “Financial crisis” has distinctly influenced people’s inclination to consuming. This has caused both air travelers and cargo businesses decreased. This financial crisis has caused tremendous Global economic recession, and the case study shows that the studied company also met critical challenges since established. By facing this situation, the company’s coping strategies are: increasing profit and reducing unnecessary cost. This can act two ways, firstly increasing income from customers’ aircraft: secondly using self-maintaining and out-sourcing in order to reduce the cost for company aircraft. Airplanes maintenance service is a long-term investment for the company, and it is crucial to efficiently control the cost at this stage. However, the most important in time is to increase maintenance performance. This study will focus on airplanes maintenance industry and organization of the company and it will analyze internal and external changes. Research unveils those issues will become company threat: -Industrial: Government has not completed the research in advance, thus it caused civil aviation maintenance and repair stations not been able to play the advantages of strategic alliance. -Study Company: maintenance organizations have frequent changes, with relevant accountabilities and responsibilities not clear. -Maintenance and repair station: Aircraft maintenance strategy was complicated. The information systems was not either intergraded accordingly. Plus, there are not enough trained and knowledgeable sales people to perform. Aircraft maintenance industry not merely as civil aviation itself, maintains its associated upstream and downstream industries to development of high-tech industrial base. However, characteristically it requires large funds and a very long-term investment period, but obviously lacks for the will of private investors. Government should be more aggressive to create the environment in order to help Taiwan become the Asia-Pacific regional operations center, APROC, in near future.


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