  • 學位論文


A Study of Online Music Store Business Model in Taiwan- A Case of KKBOX and ezPeer+

指導教授 : 蔣廷芳


隨著生活水準的提高,現代人愈來愈重視休閒娛樂生活。聽音樂不分男女老幼,是很普遍的一項休閒活動。音樂產值也在各產業當中,表現十分亮眼。近幾年來,因為網際網路的普及、數位化科技的發展,造成數位音樂的興起。此現象對傳統音樂產業造成極大衝擊,使得音樂產值不斷下跌。此趨勢也造成線上音樂商店的興起,蘋果的iTunes Music Store就是很典型的一個例子。因此,傳統音樂的經營方式已不再適用於現今的音樂市場,必須要改變為新興的數位音樂營運模式,以因應趨勢。   因此,本研究透過文獻探討,了解營運模式相關的理論架構,推出數位音樂的營運模式。並同時收集音樂產業相關的次級資料,以便做產業分析。從傳統音樂產業發展,到MP3檔案格式的出現以及線上音樂服務的興起,皆於此研究中有詳盡說明。透過數位音樂營運模式,我們探討和分析台灣兩大線上音樂商店KKBOX和ezPeer+,並比較兩者之間的異同,找出優勢與劣勢。   在研發技術,KKBOX有先前的軟體和網路經驗,而ezPeer+有P2P技術;在產品與服務,KKBOX與藍鵲科技合作推出無線音樂盒以及和中華電信、NOKIA合作推出3G手機行動音樂服務,ezPeer+則與Kuro、驊訊電子合作推出MP4酷樂K歌機;在訂價和收入方面,目前台灣消費者習慣聽到飽的消費模式,因此兩家皆以月費NT$ 149的方式提供線上串流和離線下載聆聽服務。最後也分別對兩家個案公司的優劣勢,提出適當的策略執行建議。


As improvement of standard of living, modern people put more emphasis on recreational activities. Especially, listening to music is one of popular activities without restriction of gender and age. Moreover, production value of music has been performing well until now. However, popularity of the Internet and development of digitalization technology led to the advent of digital music. This phenomenon brought giant shock to traditional music industry, and declines the music production value. Moreover, online music store sprang up due to the trend such as Apple’s iTunes Music Store. Therefore, business model of traditional music industry needs to change. It is important to develop a new business model for digital music industry. In this study, we understand the theoretical framework of business model through literature review, and then develop digital music business model. Meanwhile, we collect secondary data of music industry so as to analyze the industry. From traditional music industry, the occurrence of MP3, and emergence of online music service are all illustrated deeply in the study. Through digital music business model, we explore the largest two online music stores in Taiwan- KKBOX and ezPeer+. And then, compare the similarities and differences between them to find strengths and weaknesses. In R&D, KKBOX has previous software and the Internet experience, and ezPeer+ has P2P technique. In products and services offering, KKBOX and BlueGenii launched wireless music box and launched 3G mobile music service with Chunghwa Telecom and NOKIA; ezPeer+ worked together with Kuro and C-Media to launch “K song device”. In financial system, both of them use monthly payment program- NT$ 149 to offer online music streaming and offline download listening due to consumers’ “all-you-can-listen” consumption habit in Taiwan. Finally, we propose appropriate strategy implement recommendations to respond strengths and weaknesses of them, respectively.


digital music business model online music store KKBOX ezPeer+


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