  • 學位論文


A Study of Organizational Hypocrisy

指導教授 : 王秉鈞


偽善現象屢見不鮮,於組織中亦是如此。當道德觀與自我利益起衝突時,偽善之人會粉飾衝突,將個人惡的欲望隱藏在善的面具之下,即產出「偽善」。當組織成員對組織價值觀有錯誤的認知時通常員工會開始出現「陽奉陰違」的行為,「組織偽善」現象即產生。偽善現象將影響著組織中任何人,組織中的成員互相懷疑不信任,不願提出真心的構想或見解,將妨礙組織發展,最嚴重的情況是腐化組織。 本研究發展出一份測量華人組織偽善的測量量表,該量表將可計算出組織的偽善程度,可分為四等級:不偽善、輕度偽善、中度偽善以及重度偽善。另外,本研究探討影響組織偽善程度的變項有性別、年齡、學歷、職務階層、工作型態、資歷、工作滿意程度、離職意願、宗教信仰、對宗教信仰的關心程度、有無參加其他社會團體組織、對其他社會團體組織的關心程度、組織類型等。 期望透過本研究發展出的組織偽善程度量表,讓組織成員能夠更加地瞭解自己、組織成員的情況以及所處之組織氛圍。


Hypocrisy is not uncommon in organizations. When the conflict between morality and self-advantage, the hypocrite always polish the conflict, and let the evil desire hidden behind the nice behavior, so called revealed the “Hypocrisy”. When an organizational member lets wrong impression on the organizational values, he would think everyone is thing, while doing another, and this cause the “Organizational Hypocrisy”. The hypocritical situation would affect all the organizational members, they don’t trust each other, and wouldn’t provide true suggestions or ideas, it would be obstruct the development of organization. This study develops a formal measurement for a person’s “Organizational Hypocrisy” in the traditional Chinese culture. The test results can be sort out as four levels of the organizational hypocrisy: no hypocrisy, slight hypocrisy, medium hypocrisy, serious hypocrisy. Besides, this study probed into the affecting variables of the organizational hypocrisy, sex, age, education, the level of position, job type, seniority, pleased degree of job and intention/no Intention to leave, religion and concerned degree, mind of service and concerned degree, organizational type, the rate of organizational members’ sex, organizational members’ intention/no intention to leave. Hopefully, knowing the measurement of the organizational hypocrisy can make organizational members understand themselves more. The managers could be more knowledgible in dealing with human hypocritical issue.


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