  • 學位論文


Developing a Comprehensive Customer-complaint-driven Service Diagnostic Model

指導教授 : 陳啟光


本文主要目的係探討以顧客抱怨作為驅動力的服務系統診斷模式。隨著服務時代的來臨,顧客滿意成為組織成功的關鍵,組織為此尋求外部顧問的協助,展開診斷工作以釐清顧客的需求,期望提供顧客導向之服務;然而根據過去相關文獻之回顧,發現多數的診斷概念或技術是以外部顧問或管理者為中心,關注的焦點在於服務的提供者,過程中缺乏顧客意見的導入,與服務系統追求顧客導向之目標相悖。本研究在系統診斷過程中強化顧客的聲音,發展三階段的診斷模式(PAR Model),初步診斷將以大量的顧客抱怨為核心,根據PZB服務品質的五項構面進行分析,對顧客期望展開全面性、系統性的檢視;進階診斷則運用PZB的缺口模式對服務失誤進行分析;最後的審查診斷階段則是對未來變革方向的決策。本研究以某縣政府轄下五級機關為研究對項,結果發現顧客抱怨多集中於服務的有形性,表示顧客在實體環境面的需求未被滿足;而失誤案例的分析則顯示缺口三的發生次數最多,表示服務人員的執行有待加強,最後針對上述分析結果及意涵在本文中進行探討。


This paper use customer complaints as the core force to propose a comprehensive diagnostic approach for customer-oriented service system. Due to the advent of service industry era, customer satisfaction has become one of the most crucial factors to a successful organization. In order to raise the customer satisfaction, many organizations turn to the service experts or the management consultants to diagnose what the customer needs are. A review of the past literature on diagnostic approaches, it was found that many approaches used by the service experts or the management consultants concern more about the side of service provider, rather than the side of customer. It results in the voice of customers aren’t really taken into account in the diagnostic process. The present study establishes a customer-complaint-driven service system diagnostic model to resolve this theoretical deficiency. The SERQUAL and the gap model, which were proposed by PZB in 1980s, are used to develop the conceptual framework. This model involves three phase—primary, advance, and review (PAR). An empirical study which collected the customer complaints from a public service e-complaint-system is conduct to demonstrate how the PAR model can be implemented.


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