  • 學位論文



指導教授 : 李弘暉


摘 要 核心能力係確保組織競爭力的利器,美國企業專家研究發現有些新崛起的公司,其成功因素是靠組織核心能力,核心能力係指組織內多種知識、技術、能力及態度的整合。而組織核心能力的強弱,則視組織成員個別核心能力彙整的結果。公部門的政府機關亦須重視強化人力之核心能力,以創造高效能的行政團隊。是以,學者認為人力資源管理制度,有助於組織成員能力的獲得、提升與維護。而人力資源管理人員的角色與能力亦顯重要,應隨時代趨勢改變從事人力資源的角色定位,輔佐組織建構具有競爭優勢的組織核心外,亦須強化其本身的核心能力。 因此本研究擬以財政部臺灣省北區國稅局(以下簡稱本局)人事人員核心能力來進行研究,期探討本局人事人員的定位與功能,以建構本局人事人員之核心能力。經由相關文獻的整理及透過行政院人事行政局所選定「人事法規」、「顧客服務」、「溝通協調」、「建立信任」、「創新變革」、「人力資源規劃」等六項人事人員專業核心能力項目,藉由「人事人員專業核心能力評量表」實施人事人員及其服務顧客之360度回饋問卷評鑑所得結果,檢視本局人事人員專業核心能力落差,期經由人事人員本身與人事主管機關共同努力,以提升本局人事人員專業核心能力,確保人事人員所具有的能力能契合機關運作的需要。 其次,本研究再以行政院人事行政局選定的六項專業核心能力設計問卷,請人事人員及兼辦人事人員共58人,進行調查分析,以瞭解本局人事人員之專業核心能力需要加強的程度,提供機關未來辦理任用、陞遷、考績、培訓、績效等方面之參考依據,並藉以提升人事人員執行職務的效能與品質。 經由本研究發現,本局人事人員在「創新變革」方面最需加強改進,其次為「人事法規」方面需要加強。人事人員在六項專業核心能力中,「人力資源規劃」部分的表現最優。因此,本研究提出以下建議: 壹、針對提昇六項人事人員專業核心能力的改進措施。 貳、對於人事人員之建議: 一、改變思維邏輯,強化創新變革能力。 二、建立終身學習觀念,不斷強化人事法規能力。 三、落實顧客服務導向,提升人事服務品質。 參、對於人事主管機關之建議: 一、定期實施人事人員專業能力評鑑。 二、舉辦各項專業核心能力訓練課程,強化人事人員能力。 三、定期舉辦標竿學習活動,提升人事服務績效。 四、落實分層負責,加強授權。 五、落實執行獎優汰劣之績效制度。 關鍵字:人事人員、核心能力、人力資源管理、360度回饋評鑑


Abstract The research of constructing core ability in the human resources personnel- Base on the National Tax Administration (NTX) as an example The core ability is the sharp weapon which guarantees the organizational competitive power. In the research studies of some developmental companies, the American Enterprise experts had found that its successful factors were depended on its organizational core ability. The core ability is a complex which refers to many kinds of organizational knowledge, technology, ability and the attitude. But the key point which links the strength and the weakness of the organizational core ability;Its result will depend on its individual core ability in the organizational members. The public sector department of the government must also strengthen the core ability of the manpower; in addition, this can create the high efficiency of the administrative team. Therefore, the scholars believed that the human resources management system will help its organizational members’ ability for getting achievement, promotion and maintenance. So the human resources personnel's role and ability have become more important than before, and it is suggested that the human resources personnel should follow the trend to change its position of the role as needed. Furthermore, not only did it assist the organization to construct the competitive advantages of the organization core, but also strengthen its core ability as well. Therefore, this research is base on the human resources personnel core ability in the Ministry of Finance Taiwan Province northern area which is the National Tax Administration (NTX) as an example. This discussion can be the position and the function in the human resources personnel in the northern bureau. Consequently, this is to construct core of ability in our human resources personnel department in the northern bureau. After the related document was collected and also through the selections of the Personnel Administration Bureau in the Executive Yuan, these selections are included the six human resources personnel specialized core ability items, which are “the regulations of human resources”, “the customer service”, “the coordination of communication”, “the trust building”, “the transformation of innovation”, and “the human resources plan” altogether. However, through the form of the human resources personnel specialized core abilities, this can be measured as a result to implement the human resources personnel and focus on to serve its internal customers by using the 360 degree feedback. This examination is having a close look at the difference of the specialized core ability at NTX human resources department. In addition, this is to hope that the human resources personnel itself and its management team can work well together. Consequently, this is to improve the specialized core abilities at NTX human resources department and also to assure the ability of the human resources personnel itself to meet other organization needs. Moreover, this research did not only take the “NTX” as a research example, but also took the human resources administration bureau in the Executive Yuan as an example. The human resources administration bureau in the Executive Board had designed the questionnaire which base on the six specialized core abilities. Furthermore, this research had involved 58 people undertook questionnaires, investigation and also analyzing it. This had included the human resources personnel and other human resources personnel which also handle this matter as well. The purpose is to understand whether it needs to be improved or not for the specialized core abilities in the human resources department at NTX. This can be as a reference to any organization in the future which to handle the recruitment, promotion, performance, training, and achievement. In addition, this can also increase the efficiency and quality in the human resources personnel. This research had found that transforming the aspect in the innovation is the most needed to improve human resources personnel in the northern bureau; In addition to the personnel administration regulations. Furthermore, the partly performance of the human resources plan is the best performance in the human resources personnel under the six specialized core abilities. Therefore, this research has proposed some suggestions as follows: First, focus on the improvement measures of the promotion system at six human resources personnel specialized core abilities. Second, there are a few points can be suggested to the human resources personnel as follows: 1. Change the thought logically, and strengthen the innovation of the transformation ability. 2. Establish and enhance live and learn continuous study, constantly strengthen the regulation ability of the human resources personnel administration. 3. Carry out the guidance of customer service; increase the human resources service quality. Third, a few points have made to suggest the human resources management organizations as follows: 1. Implement the human resources personnel professional ability assessment regularly. 2. Organizing each specialized core ability training curriculum, and strengthen the human resources personnel ability. 3. Organizing human resource benchmark learning activity regularly, this is to increase the performance of the human resources service. 4. To fulfill the authority to each personnel at the appropriate level, and to enhance the authorization. 5. To fulfill the reward system which is to distinguish the best and the poorest achievements. Key words: the human resources personnel, core ability, the human resources management, 360 degree feedback.


Business Research Methods》,第5版,台北:華泰。
and Development of Intellectual Capital to Increase Public Sector
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51.American Society for Training & Development,(1993),”The 1993 ASTD Training and


