  • 學位論文

The Antecedents of Consumers' Loyalty toward Online Stores

The Antecedents of Consumers' Loyalty toward Online Stores

指導教授 : 林希偉


隨著網際網路的發展,開設網路商店的公司也日益增多。雖然學者指出提升顧客忠誠度及顧客保留率是收回投入成本的唯一方法,之於如何達成此一目的,過去研究所能夠提供的指導原則卻仍然有限。近年來,有不少學者提出有關顧客忠誠度的概念性架構及研究,但除了其中的理論架構可能過於簡化之外,這些架構往往也缺乏實證的支持。 本研究以Gommans等人所提出之概念模型為基礎,整合過去研究所提出之架構,並加以驗証。 本研究以台灣地區曾於網路上消費之民眾為樣本進行抽樣,得到277個有效樣本,再以SPSS及AMOS軟體進行統計分析並驗証假設。我們發現網路商店於網站設計及科技、信任及安全和顧客服務三個構面上的表現會影響該網路商店的顧客滿意度及網路忠誠度。同時,網站設計及科技、信任及安全和顧客服務會透過顧客滿意度間接影響對網站的忠誠度。最後,我們發現在我們模型中,顧客服務對於網路忠誠度的直接效果是負的,雖然我們認為有些論述(例如:商店可能提供過多顧客不需要的服務)也許可以部份解釋這個結果,但仍需後續的其他的研究來釐清這個議題。


Customer loyalty has long been considered a key to the success of businesses, whether they are brick-and-mortar stores or online stores. In many academic fields, particularly that of marketing science, knowledge of online-loyalty determinants is a top priority. The purpose of this study is to answer the questions that have surfaced in the literature, to clarify the relation between customer satisfaction and customer loyalty, and to outline an appropriate way in which online companies can allocate their resources either to retain their customers or to increase customer loyalty or both. For this study, we modify the multi-dimensional E-loyalty model proposed by other researchers so that we can study loyalty in online business. A survey design was chosen for testing the model, and several statistical procedures (including both traditional approaches such as regression, correlation, and factor analysis for verifying the hypotheses and structural equation modeling for assessing the overall model fit) were employed. We found that Website and Technology, Trust and Security, Customer Service, and Customer Satisfaction all have a positive total effect on e-loyalty. These results constitute the empirical foundation for our hypotheses and illustrate that online stores should allocate their resources to these areas in order to sharpen their competitive edge in the online marketplace. However, in our analysis, we also found that the direct effect of customer service on E-loyalty is negative. While we provide some possible explanation (e.g., customers may refuse the service from the companies owing to information overload), further research is still needed for clarifying this issue.


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