  • 學位論文


A Study on Judicial Succor for Child-Raising of Single Parent Families – From the point of view of Sociology of Law

指導教授 : 陳芬苓


離婚後子女的扶養問題處理不善,是造成單親家庭落入貧窮的主要原因之一,面對此類日益成長之家事紛爭現象,國家法律適時的介入發揮其機能,自有其必要。本研究旨在探討台灣現階段單親家庭扶養未成年子女的困境,尤重經濟負擔部分,應用法律社會學的理論分析家庭法的法制內涵,並將英國對於單親家庭子女扶養的政策與我國現況做一比較,以探討司法救助方式支持單親家庭扶養子女的可行性。 本研究採檔案研究法、比較研究法及訪問調查法,先以英國兒童支持法案出 現的社會脈絡,與我國現階段之單親家庭社會現況作一比較;再統計法院審理請求給付扶養費案件之判決,及法院受理給付扶養費之強制執行結果,作有系統的量化分析;此外,再訪談實際參與審理給付扶養費案件之法官作實證調查之質性研究。研究結果:一、英國兒童支持法案(Child Support Act):該法案對於實踐保障兒童基本人權、減輕國家福利財政負擔、改善單親家庭陷入貧窮惡性循環、鼓勵雙方家長共同分擔照顧子女責任及兼顧再婚家庭兒童權益等具有成效,其以國家力量介入單親家庭扶養子女的政策模式,有值得學習參考之處。二、法院給付子女扶養費案件的判決及強制執行結果分析:法院審理給付子女扶養費判決結果,以父親為被告請求給付子女扶養費而勝訴之案件為最多數,佔79.5%,另依法院受理给付子女扶養費用之強制執行結果,有50.4%案件全部未受償,另部分受償案件佔38.4%,二者合計佔88.8%,而執行後能全部受償案件為0件。三、法官對於給付子女扶養費事件的審判及政策的態度:(一)父母分居或離婚專家一致認為不會影響對未成年子女之扶養義務,(二)子女請求扶養費事件,多數專家均認對有監護權之一方較不利,(三)國家有無必要於未成年子女請求給付扶養費事件,於強制執行程序外增訂確保履行給付扶養費之方法?多數專家認為沒必要,其等認為,依現行強制執行法之規定已足以達成執行目的,但仍有二位專家認為扶養費事件之執行與一般債權債務之強制執行性質有別,應專章立法確保履行。


Inappropriate child-raising after a divorce is one of the main reasons that a single parent family becomes a poor family. Faced such increasing family disputes, it is necessary that national laws timely intervene to deal with the disputes. This study aims to probe Taiwan’s current difficult situations that single parent families face when they raise their minor children. Especially in respect to the heavy economic burden, the theory of Sociology of Law is employed to analyze the intension of legal system in regard to the family law. In addition, the British policy applied to child-raising of single parent families is compared with the current situation in Taiwan in order to probe the feasibility of supporting single parent families to raise their children by judicial succor. Archival research, the comparison method and the interview survey are used in this study. The social sequences occurring after the application of the British Child Support Act is first compared with the current social situations of single parent families in Taiwan. Then we compile statistics of the judgments of alimony claim cases passed by law courts and of the results of forcible execution of alimony claim cases for the systematic quantitative analysis. Furthermore, justices who actually judge alimony claim cases are interviewed for qualitative analysis of empirical survey. The study results are as follows: 1. The Child Support Act: the act shows good outcomes in implementing the protection for basic human rights of children, mitigating the fiscal burden of national welfares, improving single parent families’ state of economy against a vicious circle of poverty, encouraging both fathers and mothers to jointly share responsibility for child-raising, and giving consideration to the rights of children who are in remarried families. It is worth learning from the policy model of Britain that the national force intervenes in the child raising of single parent families. 2. The judgments of alimony payment passed by law courts and the result analysis of forcible execution: the lawsuits to claim alimony against fathers that are filed and won account for the greater proportion at 79.5%. In respect to the result of forcible execution in accordance with judgments of alimony payment passed by law courts, 50.4% of cases are fully unpaid and 38.4% of cases are partially paid, totaling to 88.8%. None of cases are fully paid after the execution. 3. Justices’ attitude to the judgment and the policy of the alimony payment for child-raising: (1) there is a general consensus among experts that either separation or divorce has no effect on the responsibility for minor child-raising. (2) In respect to the alimony claim for child-raising, most of experts are of the opinion that it is more disadvantage to parents who have guardianship. (3) Is it necessary for a nation to stipulate manners for ensuring the performance of alimony payment in addition to the forcible execution procedure when minor children claim the alimony payment? Most experts are of the opinion that it is not necessary because the current regulations of forcible execution are sufficient to reach the objective. However, two experts argue that the execution of alimony payments is characteristically different from the forcible execution of general rights and obligations. There should be a specific chapter stipulated for assurance of performance.


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