  • 學位論文


The Research of Derivatives Affecting Global Financial Crisis

指導教授 : 丘邦翰


當時發生於2008年的全球性金融海嘯,著實讓各大金融機構以及各方投資者遭受莫大損失。追究其主因是由於美國次級房貸危機所引起,但也有大部分原因是由相關衍生性金融商品所推波助瀾而成,才使後來更發生連鎖反應而使全球陷入前所未見的金融危機。究竟衍生性商品是萬惡淵藪,抑或是新金融時代的救星,衍生性商品是否完全得被否認,或者有其存在價值,是經歷這場金融海嘯之後,本研究所欲探討之主要議題。另外,相關金融業者以及投資者,面對金融商品更加複雜化的時下,該如何做好妥善的投資策略,並重新重視投資商品的潛在風險問題,也是本研究所想指出的要點之一。 經由本研究之文獻探討整理以及分析發現,若能妥善運用衍生性商品,可以有其正面的價值。但吾人應該重視的重點如下: 1.教育投資者有正確的衍生性商品概念以及風險認知 2.加強相關金融機構的風險控管以及監理制度 3.有關金融機構的商品發行,其流動性風險及違約風險等需被高度重視 4.相關單位的薪酬獎勵制度必須合理化


The Global financial crisis happened around 2008 and it really shocked everyone that time. The main causes of the financial crisis are subprime mortgage and the related derivatives. When the situation was getting out of control, the financial crisis got worse and worse. How would we judge about these derivatives? Would it be totally a positive innovation in financial field, or just a disaster to all the inventors who involved in? So, the thesis would focus on the relationship between the global financial crisis and the related derivatives. Another issue of the thesis is about the risk management and strategic goal facing the complexity of derivatives and how to find out the true meaning of these derivatives. Through the literature research and the analysis of the thesis, we find several methods to make the derivatives in the positive way in the future and listed as followings. 1.To educate the customers about the derivatives, and the realization of risk. 2.To strengthen the risk management and financial overseeing systems of the financial institutions 3.The fluid risk and the default risk of the related derivatives should be re-viewed. 4.The salary and bonus system should be serious made


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