  • 學位論文


The Study of the Gender Role of New Female Immigrate: The Case Studies of Taoyuan County

指導教授 : 劉阿榮


在全球化的浪潮下,縮短了國與國之間的距離,使得國際間的經濟、人力、資本、文化之交流趨於頻繁,跨國婚姻也在此背景下有了蓬勃的發展。來自東南亞的新移民女性藉由婚姻的締結,踏入台灣的土地,與其夫婿建立起新的家庭,她們的生命故事開始有了不同的發展。在家庭中,她們一面適應新環境的挑戰,一面調適婚後角色上的改變:她們成為丈夫的妻子、公婆的媳婦、孩子的母親;在不同的階段,她們同時扮演著多重的角色,也背負著家人對她們的角色期待。 本研究針對「新移民女性的性別角色」進行探討,藉以了解新移民女性的性別角色認知、性別角色期待,以及在家庭中扮演性別角色時,所遭遇的困境。透過質性取向的深度訪談,研究者一共訪問十二位新移民女性、三位新移民女性之配偶以及二位新移民家庭服務機構人員,作為本研究的分析基礎。 本論文經透過文獻的探討以及研究的設計實施,分析後歸納出以下的結論: 一、原生家庭性別角色的代間複製對新移民女性的性別角色觀念的最具影響力。 二、無論是原生家庭或是夫家都存在著傳統的性別角色觀念,期望女性成為「相夫教子」的賢妻良母。 三、在性別角色的扮演歷程中,多數受訪者在「婆媳關係」與「子女教養」的層面上,最容易產生衝突與困擾。 四、語言溝通的成為新移民女性與家人互動的障礙,同時中文能力的不足,造成子女教養的困難。 基於研究結果,本研究針對新移民女性自身、配偶、家庭、社會服務機構與未來研究等層面提出具體之建議,期許新移民女性在生活中能獲得適當的支持與協助。


Under the trend of Globalization, the distance of nations happens to be shorter. Their economy, human resource, capital and cultural interaction become usual. According to this, transnational marriage grows up significantly. Women from Southeast Asia turn into Taiwanese brides and enter to our land with their spouses. Their life have new means and different develop. In the family, they not only have to adapt to the new environment but also need to adjust themselves to this new character. They become wives, daughter-in-laws and mothers. In the different stage, they have multiple characters and bear with the expectation from the new relatives. In this article, The Gender-Roles of New Female Immigrants, we discuss their identical, expectation and the role to the family. Also, we address to their conflict and struggle. Through Qualitative Research Approach with Semi-Structured In-Depth Interviews, we call on twelve female immigrants, three of their husbands and two staffs from New Immigrant Family Service as our research analysis basis According to the study of literature review and the application of designed research, we analyze and conclude the following results. The first is the most influent factor for female immigrant’s gender role is the generation imitation from her original family. The second is not only Taiwanese but also foreign family have similar traditional concept about the role of being wife. They expect them enthusiastically to serve for the husbands and educate their children as well. The third addresses on the most conflicts are from mother and daughter in-law relationship and the child’s education. The other is about the communication. Due to the language barrier, they always have the difficulty to communicate to their family and educate to their children. Based on the research results, we have several recommendations and suggestions for female immigrates, their spouse, their relatives, social service institutes and future researchers. We sincerely hope our citizen can not only pay more attention to their requirement but also take care of them in order to have bright future for their family and our society. We expect they can receive proper assistance and support from us in their life.


王宏仁(2003)。〈商品化的台灣跨國婚姻市場〉,《台灣社會學》,第 6期,頁177-221。
