  • 學位論文


Failure Mode Analysis and Design Improvement of Automatic Document Feeder Scanner

指導教授 : 李碩仁


摘 要 因為市場需求,掃描器逐漸從平台式衍生出有自動進紙功能的掃描器,以減少使用者掃描大量文件所花費的時間,且為因應現在地球環保議題,各國政府提倡無紙化及文件數位化政策,使得自動進紙掃描器需求大增,連帶的對於產品的掃描速度、效能及容紙量等等的規格需求也越來越高。 本研究將探討自動進紙掃描器失效構成之諸因素且加以分類;並針對產品的關鍵失效因子加以探討,並介紹設計參數的量測手法,輔助在實驗過程中,將設計參數量化及數據收集。有別於現在市面上大部分產品,取紙滾輪的力量會隨著帶掃描紙張多寡而改變,所以滾輪取紙正向力設定往往需大於原來所需,而增加紙張間密合度,亦增加產品分張模組的失效發生機率。新型取紙機構利用感測器及取紙機構流程,隨時偵測進紙盤與取紙滾輪間的相對位置,以達到取紙滾輪正向力趨於穩定範圍,提升產品的效能。


Because of the market demand, the flatbed scanner with automatic document feeder functions derived from the scanner to scan a large number of files gradually in order to reduce the time that the user spent. And due to the global environmental issues that governments promote paperless and digital file The policy that makes the demand for automatic document feeder scanner, the associated speed of the scanner product, performance and capacity specifications of paper, and the demand are increasing. This study will investigate failure of the automatic document feeder scanner and the factors to be classified, and in-depth discuss the critical failure factors of products, describe the design parameters of the measurement techniques and assistance in the experiment, the design parameters and data to quantify collection. Unlike most of the products now in market, the force of the pickup roller with a scan of paper as the amount will be changed, so the pickup roller to set the normal force must be greater than the original which is often required to increase sealed force between the papers, also increased the probability of the separation module product failure. New pickup design to use on sensors and changed pickup flow could detect relative position of the pickup roller and input tray at any time to achieve the stable of pickup force, enhance product performance.


Scanner ADF Pick-up Module Failure Mode Analysis


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