  • 學位論文


The Effects of Flux Residues on Properties of Underfill Materials for Flip Chip Package

指導教授 : 洪信國




The effects of flux residues on the premature failure of underfill epoxy materials used in flip chip packages are investigated by using the solder bump stress analysis, moisture absorption test, differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), and flexural test. It is obtained from the moisture absorption and flexural tests that the water content of the underfill epoxy increases but the flexural strength of which decreases with increasing the content of flux residues in the epoxy, and which are responsible for the premature fracture of the solder bump. The results of DSC indicate that the flux residues can affect the curing kinetics and mechanism, i.e., the reaction order, activation energy, and frequency factor, of the epoxy during the cure. Henceforth, the curing rate and glass transition temperature of the epoxy significantly decrease in the presence of a small amount of flux residues. Moreover, it is confirmed by TGA that the thermal stability of the cured epoxy would be adversely affected by the residual flux.


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