  • 學位論文


Applying Analytic Network Process to Multi-level Marketing Companies’ Supplier Selection

指導教授 : 龐金宗


在今日競爭激烈的商業環境中,由於產品生命週期的縮短以及競爭、市場快速改變、客制化需求不斷提升等,使得傳銷公司必須著重於整體供應鏈的管理。鑒於傳銷公司以往選擇供應商時,常常缺乏一套客觀的評估方法,且考量的因素往往難以完全獨立,為解決此一問題,本研究首先回顧相關文獻,歸納出初步的供應商選評指標,接著訪談業者專家篩選出主要的供應商選評指標,再利用網路分析程序法確立具備相互回饋關係的模組,以決定各項供應商選評準則之相對權重,藉由此一多準則評估決策之建立,協助傳銷公司作為挑選適任供應商之決策依據。 本研究發現,針對不同的採購方式應有不同的供應商選評模式,其中對於傳銷公司最常面對的「修正後重購買」此一特定採購情境所發展的供應商選評模式,將可提供決策者有充分的資訊與系統化的思考,有利傳銷公司做為最終決策的參考。而使用網路分析程序法可處理以往評估構面與準則間可能存在的不獨立問題,將選評準則之間的相互回饋關係納入考量,加以綜合評估,以協助決策者評選供應商之優先順序。


In today’s competitive business world, multi-level marketing companies must place emphasis on supply chain management due to shortening of product life cycle, rapidly changing market and increasing demand for customized products. However, multi-level marketing companies are lack of objective evaluation approaches while selecting their suppliers and the criteria of that selection are dependent. To solve the problem, this study first focuses on literature review to sum up broad criteria for supplier selection. Second, some companies and experts are interviewed to pick out several major criteria from the broad one. Third, a decision-making system with interaction and feedback within clusters of elements and between clusters is established to determine weighs of each criterion based on Analytic Network Process. Through the multi-criteria decision analysis system, multi-level marketing companies can select suppliers eligible for them. In this study, we found that different procurement modes should have their own supplier selection model. The supplier selection model established under the “modified rebuy” mode provides decision-makers with adequate information and systematic thinking. Also, Analytic Network Process could deal with the dependent problem and take into consideration the interaction and feedback within clusters of elements and between clusters. This helps decision-makers place priority on evaluating and selecting suppliers.


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