  • 學位論文


A Study Of Customer Relational Management -- A Case From A Foreign Company

指導教授 : 李弘暉


近年來,隨著經濟的快速發展,市場競爭也日益加劇,“優勝劣汰”現象更加明顯,“強者愈強,弱者愈弱”已經成為一個不可逆轉的趨勢。大量的中小型公司被迫退出市場,規模龐大、實力雄厚的大企業也因應而生,並不斷侵蝕者其他中小(企業)的地盤。越來越多的企業開始調整策略以因應大局,最常見到的就是削價競爭求生存,以期能穩固現有的生意,為求業績而毫無理由的胡亂降低售價, 也因此養成了客戶貪小便宜的習慣, 製造業又恐不敷成本逐而降低產品品質, 在這樣惡性循環之後, 往往造成客戶及製造業兩相玉石俱焚。 研究者以文獻回顧法來檢視有關國外、內相關的論文、期刊、著作、網路資料,探討達成客戶滿意度及忠誠度的相關因素,並藉由訪談的方式了解跨國性企業面對區域性對手之經營管理策略遇到的困難點,整理歸納出相關的因應措施,並探討削價競爭是否是企業唯一的方式。 本研究主要結果顯示: 一、 企業形象、品牌知名度、服務品質與客戶關係有正向關係 二、 關鍵客戶及關鍵客戶管理對企業長期經營發展有正向關係 三、 削價競爭並非唯一的商業競爭模式,企業應注重在上述兩項的相關發展,以拉開與競爭者的差距。


In past years, following by the rapid growth of economy, there is severe competition in the market today. The phenomenon of “Natural Selection” is much visible to us and thus the trend of “strong ones are the fittest forever” is formed. Most of Small and Medium Enterprises are forced to quit the market; the larger enterprises are born and eclipsing the business. More and more enterprises are adjusting their business strategy to fit into market. The most popular way is cut throat price competition in order to get survived and maintaining business with their existing customer. It is leading customer to the cost oriented trend and potentially affects product quality due to cheaper manufacturing process. The vicious circle will result in both customer and supplier crash and burn. This study is leveraging literature review method to study related factors of achieving customer satisfaction and loyalty by checking dissertations, periodicals, writings, and online literatures from domestic and overseas resource. Also, interviews had been hosted to understand difficulty of how Multinational Enterprise planning their business strategy to handle local competitions. Identifying related measures and study if “cut throat price competition” the only way out. The study is to identify: 1. Positive relationship by Customer Relationship, Brand Awareness, Corporate Image, Quality of Service,. 2. Positive relationship for enterprise sustainable development by“Key account”and“Key Account Management”. 3. “Cut throat price competition” is not the only mode in existing business competition. It is expected that enterprise should stay focus on above first two items to far beyond the competitors.


1.Acxiom Co.,“View from Above: The Path to True Customer Relationship Management” Anderson, E. W.“Cross-Category Variation in Customer Satisfaction and Retention.”Marketing Letters 5, no.1(1994):19-30
