  • 學位論文


Fire Case Simulation and Analysis of an Iron-Sheet Building in TaoYuan

指導教授 : 林誠興


本論文以「鐵皮屋消防安全與建材探討—以桃園市永安路民宅之火災案例模擬分析」為研究案例,此案例為地上3層鋼筋混擬土和地上1層鐵皮屋構造之建築物,起火點在鐵皮屋內,因適逢2009年縣市長議員選舉,鐵皮屋內堆放大量易燃物(競選文宣),導致火勢一發不可收拾;鐵皮屋結構受高溫燃燒使其強度降低,造成屋頂塌陷;再者起火點對外聯絡道路格外狹小,導致大型滅火機具無法靠近起火點救災,使兩棟建築物在無大型滅火設備的支援下陷入熊熊火海中,造成建築物嚴重毀損。 本研究是以「FDS」(Fire Dynamics Simulator)軟體來進行火災模擬,建立案例模型加以模擬,以研究案例發生火災時,火場產生的溫度、CO濃度、氣層高度、煙流分佈變化,進而改變不同參數,如變更建材及加裝撒水設備等加以探討改變相關參數後,對火災的影響變化,以期本研究能對未來的消防安全能有所助益。


火災 FDS 數值分析


This thesis is taking “A study on fire safety of metal house and building materials with the fire case on Yungan road, Taoyuan” as the research case. This case building including a three-story RC construction and a one-story iron-covered room structure, and the fire origin was in metal house. Because the metal house was piled with a lot of inflammable election handbills that ignited rapidly and out of control. The metal house was damaged due to the high temperature of the fire which was also reducing steel strength and finally its roof collapsed. The connecting road enter the fire site was extremely narrow that caused large-scale fire-fighting equipment unable close to the fire site leading to the building damage seriously. Fire Dynamics Simulator (FDS) software is used to establish the case model for fire simulation, to study the temperature, the CO density, the air layer height and the smoke stream distribution change of the fire scene. Then to change different parameters such as using different materials and adding water sprinkle devices for computation. The simulation result provides the change of parameters has highly related to influence the fire changes, might be useful for fire prevention equipment engineering and escape idea for fire safety in the future.


FDS Field Pattern Numerical Analysis


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【6】Building and Fire Research laboratory NIST,http://www.bfrl.nist.gov/
【8】Waterman, T.E., Room Flashover-Criteria and Synthesis,Fire Technology, 4, pp. 25~31, 1968.
【9】Thomas PH, “Modelling of compartment fires”, 6th International Fire Protection Seminar, Karlsruhe, pp.29-46. Vereinigung zur Forderung des Deutschen Brandschutzes,ev.
