  • 學位論文


Fire Simulation and Analysis of a Snack Bar in Dinghu Rd.,Gueishan

指導教授 : 林誠興


小吃店屬於公共場所,是一般人最為熟悉的活動場合,人們往往忽略逃生路線,而錯失逃生的機會。而鐵皮屋搭建的建築,並沒有明確的法令規範,加上有些建築物都有違建的部分,所以這些建築並沒有完善的防火設備,故無法有效地做初期滅火。當一旦火災發生,因為民眾屋內大多為易燃材質,火災容易形成擴展性延燒,且因街道狹窄、消防車進入不易,造成搶救的困難,以及逃生動線不明,往往是造成人命與財產損失最重要的原因。為了減少類似災害之發生,因此建築物的火災研究,是一項格外重要的研究。本案例為鐵皮屋搭建的外勞小吃店,此建築為一層樓,因為是小吃店,所以堆滿了許多的雜物,所以火勢蔓延非常快速,因此不幸造成了人員死亡和嗆傷的悲劇。 分析以往的火災資料,一般火災發生時,往往造成人員死亡的主因是火災的高溫、濃煙及大量的有毒氣體,減少了濃煙及高溫,即可大大的提升存活機率。因此,本研究以火災之場模式模擬軟體(Fire Dynamics Simulator,FDS)分析「龜山頂湖路小吃店」之火場。研究火場中溫度場、濃度場之分佈與變化,並針對不同的參數改變,來探討相關參數對火災的關係,使用模擬結果來了解,如何增加灑水裝置對逃生時間之延長最有幫助,以瞭解各參數對人員逃生有何影響,提供防火工程上之參考。


火災 FDS


Restaurant is a public place and also the most familiar place for activities. Generally, people tend to ignore the escape route in a public place, and missed a chance to escape from fire menace. There are no clear laws and regulations for iron sheet covered buildings which usually coupled with some illegal part construction, due to these buildings lacked for fire prevention equipments, so it cannot effectively put out the fire at initial stage. Furthermore, most of the indoor decoration are of the flammable material, fire intensity spread very fast, and narrow streets hindered fire engines from entering fire site for the rescue, and moving lines of escape is unclear, once the fire occurred it will often cause casualties and property losses. In order to reduce the occurrence of similar disasters, the building fire research seems to be extremely important. The case metal housing is built for the foreign workers snack bar, a one-story building filled with a lot of groceries, so the fire spread very rapidly, unfortunately caused choking deaths and injuries tragedy. Analysis of past fire data, the general fire deaths often caused by fire heat, smoke and a lot of toxic gases, so that smoke and high temperature reduction can significantly increase the chance of survival. Therefore, this study uses Fire Dynamics Simulator (FDS) software to simulate the field model of "Guei-Shan Industrial Zone-4 snack bar," fire event, and investigate the distribution and change of temperature field and concentration field. Then, change for different parameters to explore the relationship between the relevant parameters on the fire. The simulation results provide that it might reduce fire intensity by increasing the sprinklers on the extension of escape time, understanding the impact of various parameters on the staff escape from fire and a reference for fire safety engineering.


Fire Fire Dynamics Simulator (FDS)


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