  • 學位論文


Noise Diagnosis and Improvement of a Sewing Machine

指導教授 : 楊大中




Noise diagnosis of a sewing machine was conducted in this study. The experiment was performed by partly covering the machine body by noise insulation blankets, taking parts out of the sewing machine, changing the operating speeds, adjusting the stroke of the needle, etc.. The results show that the correlation between the noise and the vibration of the machine body is low. Reducing the vibration levels does not decrease the node level simultaneously. Concluded from the experimental results, the noise is very possibly generated and accumulated by friction and collision between the parts inside the machine, as also indicated by the frequency spectrum of the noise. The suggested improvements are changing the clearance and fitness in the linkages and sliding pairs, and replacing the worm gearing of the oil supply pump. Installation of noise absorption or insulation materials inside the machine proved to have negligible effects on noise reduction because the compact design of the machine makes the enough coverage of the materials inside the machine infeasible.


Sewing Machine Noise Diagnosis Vibration


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