  • 學位論文


The Study of Factors Influence Teachers' Receptivity for Arts Infused Curriculum

指導教授 : 鄭月秀


順應時代潮流的變遷與文化創意產業的發展趨勢,創造力的啟發為國人關注之一大課題,而藝術正是啟發創造力的泉源。過去九年一貫課程改革提及藝術應融入各學科科目之中,然而至今藝術的學習仍停留於「藝術與人文」學習領域,為瞭解藝術融入課程理念無法廣為執行之因素,本研究藉鑑教師認同感理論,以質化方式,深入訪談國內執行藝術融入課程教師,對藝術融入課程執行之態度、經驗、行為為何?以及各面向之影響態度、行為的考量因素為何?透過因素間的明朗化,試圖釐清教師對藝術融入課程的認同模式,並驗證本研究提出之影響教師態度、行為考量因素,有提升教師對藝術融入課程正向態度與行為的影響力。 藉由訪談八位曾執行藝術融入課程的教師獲致的結論歸納如下: 一、國內教師對藝術融入課程的正向態度與行為包括:態度上認同「藝術融入課程為活化教學內容之方式」、「美感是提升品德的關鍵」、「激發同儕間相互討論成長之氣氛」、「改善家長對藝術的認同與提升校園整體藝術氛圍」;而對藝術融入課程執行的行為觀念上「教師需有足夠的學科內容與藝術知識轉換與統整之能力」、「透過教學設計促進學生對學科內容有廣泛而完全的理解」、「激發學生主動探索與自主學習的動機」、「打破考試制度的成績壓力,讓學生樂於學習」、「藝術融入課程能促進教師自我反思與成長」。 二、影響教師對藝術融入課程態度與行為的特徵考量,共十六項:「考量打破考試制度的壓力活化課程教材」、「高度的教學熱情與持續學習的熱誠」、「考量營造良好的班級經營與師生關係」、「考量注重學生對課程的適應性」、「考量藝術融入課程能滿足學生學習的需求」、「課堂中適時的給予學生鼓勵與刺激並培養學生多元能力成長之考量」、「考量自身所具備的藝術知識與善於運用、統整知識之能力」、「考量課程安排、教學目標訂定的明確性與教學中不斷檢視教學目標」、「時間壓力下的考量」、「校內的支持與提供教師參考資源」、「校內同儕教師相互激勵與相輔相成的影響」、「考量環境藝術氛圍的建立」、「考量學校政策與家長對藝術的接受度」、「校外需提供教師足夠的藝術融入課程接觸管道」、「教科書、教師手冊給予教師實質的參考資源」、「教育不該應考試制度而影響美感培養」。 而上述考量因素,則經教師認同感理論模式驗證後,提出之能有效影響提升教師對藝術融入課程之正向態度與行為的考量,最後本研究則關注於校內、外給予教師的支援,提出影響教師態度、行為之具體建議。


Art is the source of creativity, in the past, the "Grade 1-9 Curriculum" reform mentioned that "Arts and Humanities" should be infused into the various curriculum. However, the learning of art still remains in the "Arts and Humanities" area to this day. In order to understand why the concept of arts infused curriculum can't be widely implemented, in this study, we interviewed four teachers who have had the experience of arts infused curriculum. In this study, we interviewed eight teachers who have had the experience of arts infused curriculum. The topic of the interview is the teacher's receptivity of arts infused curriculum.The objective of this research paper is to provide practical recommendations which will effectively influence teachers’ receptivity to the arts-infused curriculum. For this purpose, the researcher has interviewed eight teachers who have been conducting an arts-infused curriculum. The conclusions are as follows: 1. The positive attitude and behavior of teachers toward the arts-infused curriculum: Attitude – Arts-infused curriculum is a method to energize the class; The sense of beauty, on the other hand, is the key for moral development; An arts-infused curriculum encourages mutual learning and growth among peers; increases parents’ receptivity to arts, and builds up an arts-loving atmosphere in the campus. Behavior – An arts-infused curriculum provides the students with sufficient ability to integrate their knowledge in arts with the contents of other subjects; enabling them to understand the course contents more extensively; It also helps to build up the motivation for proactive learning and exploration, mitigates the pressure of test performances and creates fun for learning; in the meantime supports the self-examination and development of teachers. 2. There are a total of sixteen factors that influence the attitude and behaviors of teachers toward the arts-infused curriculum: Eliminate the pressure of examinations and innovate the course contents; great passion for teaching and continuous learning; good ability to manage the class and the teacher-student relationship; sufficient attention on students’ adaptability to the courses; ability to satisfy the learning needs of the students; helping the students to develop diversified competencies; the teachers’ knowledge in arts and abilities in knowledge integration; clarity of the pre-course teaching objectives; time pressure, supports and reference material available in the campus; encouragement and influences of peers; establishment of an art-loving atmosphere; receptivity to arts, both by the parents and the government policies; sufficient channels for introducing the arts-infused curriculum; resources relating to the textbooks and teachers’ handbooks, and avoiding the adverse impacts of the examination system on the development of aesthetics. The above factors have been validated through the Teacher’s Receptivity Theory Model and will effectively influence and improve the teachers’ receptivity to the arts-infused curriculum. The researcher has, as a result, integrated all these factors and provided practical recommendations which will influence the attitude and behavior of the teachers.


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