  • 學位論文


Investigation and identification of lysine methylation on histones and non-histone proteins

指導教授 : 李宗夷




賴氨酸 甲基化 組蛋白 非組蛋白


Protein methylation is one kind of posttranslational modifications, which was involved in many important biological processes including transcription activity, signal transduction and regulation of gene expression. Biological researchers have not paid as much attention on methylation as on phosphorylation and acetylation until recent years. Post-translational modification of lysine methylation is mostly studied in histones. The histones, which have highly conserved proteins, are homologous in most species; however, non-histone proteins are different from histones that there is no significant motif among the amino acid sequences. Recently, several studies have been proposed that utilizing bioinformatics method to identify protein methylation sites but do not investigate the difference of methylation sites on histones and non-histone proteins. Thus, in this study, we categorize methylation data into three parts: all, histones, and non-hisotne proteins. Then, a support vector machine (SVM) is employed with various types of features for identifying methylated lysines on proteins. Evaluation of predictive performance using five-fold cross-validation indicates that the models trained with histones and non-histone datasets perform better than all dataset. Additionally, the independent testing dataset is used to test effectiveness of the constructed models. For histones methylation, the predictive sensitivity and specificity are 85.62% and 80.32%, respectively. For the methylation of non-histone proteins, the predictive sensitivity and specificity are 69.1% and 88.72%, respectively. Finally, the models yielding best performance are used to implement an effective web server called “MethK” for identifying methylated lysine sites. The MethK is freely available via


lysine methylation histones non-hitone


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