  • 學位論文


The Research on Consumption Values and Sense of Well-Being of Bridal Gown Industry.

指導教授 : 梁朝雲


2010 年資策會整合型計畫指出,單身人口不斷成長,婚姻關係已非必然。臺灣積極走向產業轉型,不只著重於經濟成長指數,也需注重消費者的幸福力。婚紗產業國際知名,市場已達飽和狀態,如何創造優勢價值,是產業積極思考的問題。本研究探討婚紗產業消費者的幸福感程度,其與消費價值、生活滿意有何影響與關聯性。本研究以研究對象以臺灣地區婚紗產業消費者為母群體,包括適婚年齡者,以想像方式,針對自己選擇婚紗業者服務時的相關價值考量。以了解消費價值透過生活滿意為中介,對幸福感有何預測。 本研究以量化研究,採用問卷進行樣本收集,以結構方程式進行模式分析,建立婚紗產業潛在及曾有消費經驗消費者的消費價值,透過生活滿意中介效果,對幸福感有何預測力。本研究結果顯示,功能性價值指,消費者對於產品所賦予的效用的需求程度;社會性價值指,消費者透過選擇產品時,與社會群體連結而提供選擇效用,;條件性價值指,在某些條件與情境下,產品暫時提供了較大的功能或社會性價值,產品因條件關係產生外部效用,影響消費者原先的消費行為。產品價值隸屬於消費價值之中,而消費價值歸屬於生活之中,生活價值對於消費所追求的主觀條件,其消費者認為個人需求與社會規範及他人期望與內在要求。 當潛在及曾有消費經驗的消費者在婚紗消費中,得到消費基本要求,符合社會團體意見歸屬,滿足個人消費需求與社會團體的意見互動,獲得成就感的管道,使其外在行為受到支持與心靈上的知足,生活滿意程度提升,使幸福感受也因此提升。此也符合 Maslow 需求層級理論所規範的歸屬需求、尊重需求與自我實現需求層次,追求被社會群體接受的歸屬感,達成目標與肯定自我地位,當其他層次需求滿足後,進而追求展現自我。


The integrated plan of Institute for Information Industry indicates that the population of the singles keeps growing constantly and the marriage relation is not necessary nowadays. Taiwan has been under industry restructure actively. It does not only put emphasis on the index number of economics growth but it also lays emphasis on the consumers’ ability of well-being. The bridal gown industry is well-known all over the world and the market reaches saturation. The problem for the industry is to figure out enthusiastically how to create the values of superior situation. The present study is to explore the levels of the bridal gown consumers’ sense of well-being and the influence and connection between the consumption values and the life satisfaction. The present study introduces the consumers of bridal gowns in Taiwan to be the objects of the study and adopts them as the population including the marriageable agers to imagine the related values’ consideration if they want to choose the service of bridal gown industry. Hereby the researchers can understand the consumption values and predict the sense of well-being through life satisfaction as intermediary. Used quantitative research, the present study adopts questionnaire to collect the samples and proceed to the model analysis with structural equation model, to set up the consumption values of bridal gown industry; in addition, to analyze the prediction ability toward the sense of well-being through life satisfaction intermediary effect. The results of the study show that the functional value refers to the consumers’ demand extent toward the products endowed; the social value refers to the consumers connect with the social group to offer choosing effect through selecting products; conditional value refers to that under some conditions and situations, products will temporarily offer more functional or social value and the products will bring in external effect in account of the conditions to influence the consumers’ original consumption behaviors. Product value belongs to consumption value and it belongs to the consumers’ lives. As for the subjective conditions consumed toward the life value, the consumers believe that they are personal demands, social norms, the others’ expectation and internal demand. When the consumers are in the bridal gown consumption, they get the basic demands, conform to the opinions attributions of the social groups, satisfy the personal demand of consumption and the interaction of opinions in the social groups, obtain the channel of achievement to support their external behaviors and rest content with their minds. Therefore the level of life satisfaction will be raised and the sense of well-being will thus be promoted, too. This is in accordance with the belongingness need, esteem need and self-actualization need standardized by Maslow Needs Hierarchy Theory to pursue the belongingness accepted by the social groups and to reach the goal and confirm self-position. When all the other needs being satisfied, people will pursue to display themselves.


李君如、陳佩君(2010)。從消費價值與活動內容探討節慶遊客滿意度 ? 以 2010 年中台灣元宵燈會為例。島嶼觀光研究,3(4),51-72。
