  • 學位論文


Over service: Investigate Customer Behavior through Tangible Facilities and Employees Responsiveness

指導教授 : 翁華鴻


在全球競爭激烈的市場中,服務業產值在世界經濟體系中占有舉足輕重的地位。企業盡所能的提供更好且更多的服務來滿足顧客,進而提高他們的忠誠度。但在日常生活中,我們會發覺過度的服務並沒有使人更滿意,甚至出現負面的評價。 本文基於此過度服務的現象,根據顧客對企業所提供的有形性設施及員工反應性(兩種服務等級:適度與過度),分別設計在三種營業場合(髮廊、洗衣店及電影院)進而發展成問卷,來研究消費者對於此現象的行為反應(滿意度,再購買率及推薦意願)。結果顯示,不論在髮廊或電影院顧客在員工提供適度的回應時會比員工提供過度回應有著較高的滿意度。但有形性設備不論在髮廊或電影院均對顧客無太大的影響,甚至只是覺得物超所值。 此研究可以給予企業重新思考他們本身是屬於哪一種服務類型,進而針對顧客真正需要的因素加以設計補強,也可以省下不必要的成本支出。


In the highly competitive global market, the services industry plays an important role in the world economy. All companies do their best to provide more and better service to satisfy customer, and further increase their loyalty. However, in our daily life, providing excess service to customers will not always increase customer satisfaction, and sometimes even cause negative results. Based on this phenomenon of over service, we design an 2x3 experiment with 2 service levels (adequate and excessive) and 3 service categories (hair salon, laundry, and theater) focusing on tangible facilities and employee responsiveness. According to the experiment we develop questionnaires to investigate the impacts of the factors (service levels and categories) on consumer behavior (satisfaction, purchase intentions, and recommendation). The results show that customer will have higher satisfaction when employee responsiveness is in adequate service level in both hair salon and theater. But the service levels related to tangible facilities do not have significant influence on customer behavior. This study can provide guidelines to companies so they can rethink which service categories they belong to. Based on their service categories, they can design a service procedure to meet customer needs, and to save cost at the same time.


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