  • 學位論文


A Competition Strategy Analysis of Regional Manpower Management in Taoyuan

指導教授 : 王秉鈞


摘 要 對企業來說,策略往往是發展的重大指標方向,大部份的企業,對於使命、遠景、目標、核心價值與企業文化等,都存在一知半解的現象。所謂公司策略的意義指的就是,用最有效的方式改變公司相對於競爭對手的優勢力量。企業若有「策略」主導企業經營方向,就能穩住陣腳,不容易受影響,比起那些沒有經營策略的企業,自然具有競爭優勢。 本研究主要引用我國策略領域之專家司徒達賢(1995),提出了策略形態取向分析法的概念,分析工具結合司徒達賢的策略矩陣法及SWOT綜合分析法,藉由個案訪談內容,運用司徒達賢的策略矩陣法的六大構面,描述個案過去到現在策略形態的變化,將兩家人力派遣公司進行相互比較,得到人力派遣服務業的產業價值鏈。最後使用策略矩陣分析法與SWOT構面做結合的「SWOT策略矩陣綜合分析法」,結論探討出國內區域性人力派遣公司經營之產業定位及競爭策略。 本研究發現制度的合理性、招募管理師、品牌經營、據點通路為人力派遣公司競爭策略成功關鍵要素,同時研究也發現利用「SWOT策略矩陣綜合分析法」,此方法論亦提供了一個觀念架構的共同平台,使每一個策略句型及思考的流程,都可在其上以模組化或圖像化的方式表達,使內隱的經驗轉換為外顯圖像,對意見溝通與資訊累積極有幫助,藉此方法可協助企業高層簡化策略思考所花的力氣與過程,使最後決策出來的結果產生共識、降低風險,並據以形成公司未來的策略規劃與願景。


策略 策略矩陣 人力派遣 價值鏈 SWOT


ABSTRACT Strategies set the main goals of their business development. The definition of corporate strategy is a superior power that adopting the most effective ways to improve company’s relative position to competitors. Enterprises have a competitive advantage over their rivals if they adopt corporate strategies to lead business because that can help them to be less vulnerable to the external environment. The method of the research was to integrate the strategic matrix analysis and the SWOT analysis. Based on the interview results of two temporary staffing agencies, we used the six aspects of the strategic matrix analysis to compare the differences of the two temporary staffing agencies and came to an industry value chain of temporary staffing agencies. We utilized the SWOT strategic matrix analysis to analyze industry positions and competitive strategies of temporary staffing agencies and came to the following conclusions. The key success factors for competitive strategies include a reasonable company structure, manager recruitment, brand management and channels. The SWOT strategic matrix analysis is very helpful for communication and information accumulation because it provides a mutual platform that can transform implicit experiences such as strategic sentences and thinking processes to explicit pictures such as models or graphs. In addition, this method can assist the management to reach a mutual agreement whilst making strategic plans and reduce the management risk through a simplified and efficient decision making process.


Strategy Strategic Matrix Temporary Staffing Value Chain SWOT


1. 劉毓玲譯,(彼得?杜拉克 原著)(2000),《21世紀的管理挑戰》,台北:天下
2. 潘東傑譯,(查爾斯?韓第 原著)(2002),《大象與跳蚤》,台北:天下文化。
