  • 學位論文


How to attract foreign investment in Taiwan's food and beverage industry

指導教授 : 陳家祥


外資,在我國製造業發展歷程扮演舉足輕重角色,不僅為國內創造充分就業機會,同時提升出口比例與生產技術,使台灣在全球經貿體系佔有一席之地。時至今日,隨著餐飲等服務產業的興起,政府如何訂定獎勵措施吸引外商投資台灣餐飲產業,進而強化此一產業之發展動能,正是本論文的主要研究動機。 本研究透過台灣餐飲產業發展現況及未來趨勢、外商投資亞洲主要國家餐飲產業現況、政府對於外商投資之獎勵措施,以及餐飲業者、專家訪談等綜合分析方式進行,並期達到以下三項目的:一、探討我國政府現行政策與台灣餐飲產業現況,找出影響外商投資台灣餐飲產業的關鍵因素。二、了解國內餐飲業者對於吸引外商投資的需求及想法。三、提供政府相關單位未來規劃吸引外商投資台灣餐飲產業之建議方向。 根據本研究發現,吸引外資投資台灣餐飲業仍有需改善之處,已就投入、經營、產出、環境等四個面向進行分析整理。此外,從本研究得知,外商對於投資台灣餐飲產業具有高度興趣,放眼未來,外商來台投資餐飲業若與政府法規、政策等配套措施相輔相成,可望創造出可觀的商機與營收。 最後,期望能藉由上述之分析整理,提供政府強化如何吸引外商投資台灣餐飲業政策規劃之參考,促進我國餐飲業蓬勃多元發展,進而將台灣豐富的餐飲文化推向國際舞台。


Foreign investment always plays an important role in the productive industry development in our country. It not only creates lots of Employment opportunities, but also promotes the proportion of exports and production technology, which makes Taiwan become a significant country in global economic and trade system. Today, with the rise of food and beverage industry or other service sectors, it becomes an issue that how government set incentive measures to attract foreign investment in orders to intensify this new industry, which is the motivation of this research. This research analyzes the development and future of food and beverage industry in Taiwan, the status of foreign investment in major Asian countries, the governmental incentive measures to attract foreign investment and comprehensive interview with food and beverage industry and experts. There are 3 purposes: 1. to investigate the official strategy and current status of food and beverage industry in Taiwan. 2. To understand the needs and thoughts of food and beverage industry about foreign investment. 3. To provide strategy suggestions to the government about attracting foreign investment. Input, operation, output and environment were discussed in this study. Besides, foreign investment shows high interests in food and beverage industry in Taiwan. In the future, huge opportunities and revenue will be created if foreign businesses cooperate with the governmental legislation and strategies. Through the analysis above, I intend to provide the strategy suggestions to government about attracting foreign investment into food and beverage industry, and promote Taiwanese local food culture to international stages. Keyword: foreign investment, incentive measures, food and beverage industry in Taiwan.


8.孫路弘(1996),「餐飲服務品質管理」,觀光研究學報,第2卷,第1期,頁 79–91。
