  • 學位論文


Feasibility study of using social network platform for learning support: An example of Facebook

指導教授 : 詹前隆


網路社群平台近年的蓬勃發展,整合了以往E-Mail、即時通訊、Blog、影音播放等功能,除了分享個人的所見所聞,也可做為是合作學習的平台,賴於Web2.0的技術,新的學習趨向快速、數位化以及個人化。可以透過手機或電腦等數位裝置,接收網路上面的各項訊息,進而與其他人進行網路合作學習。 本研究以活動理論來探討學生使用網路社群平台的情況,從「活動」、「行為」以及「操作」三個層級來對「主體」、「目標」、「規則」、「工具」、「社群」、「勞力分配」、六個物件工具的詳細內容做說明,並以線上討論行為、學習滿意度及創意自我效能三部份的問卷來評估學習結果與使用情形的影響。本研究透過Facebook平台的使用,協助分組的專案計畫進行,觀察小組成員在平台上互動的情況及關注程度,並透過問卷和期末分組評量的結果,來評估使用社群平台對期末專案的成效為何。 研究結果顯示,學生特質(如學習積極度與性別),會影響使用Facebook的頻繁程度、以及影響學習成效;而使用Facebook討論區頻繁的學生,也具有較好的學習成效;本研究也發現分組時的異質程度對學生使用網路社群平台時的積極程度及學習成效。


In this study, we explored the students’ computer-supported collaborative learning behavior based on the Facebook platform. Activity Theory was applied to explain the subjects using behavioral phenomenon. Sixty two senior college students major in Information Management took Decision Support System (DSS) class. Besides the lectures and class discussion, the students participated in the DSS Facebook for collaborative learning. In the result, we found that students’ characteristics (e.g., gender and mindset of learning) are important factors to affect their Facebook usage behavior and learning result. The students using DSS Facebook more often get better performance in the final project, learning satisfaction and the online communication behavior survey. We also found that gender affects the usage of social networks platform. For instance, male students use social networks platform several times per week and get better performance in online communication, learning satisfaction and creativity self-efficacy. The mixed gender group got better project performance than same gender group, too.


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