  • 學位論文

在多使用者的Ad Hoc無線網路以拍賣理論為基礎之服務質量路由協定

Auction-Based QoS Routing Protocol for Multi-user in Wireless Ad-Hoc Networks

指導教授 : 賴國華


在Mobile Ad Hoc Networks中,尋路協定被用來找出一條路徑執行傳輸。當多個傳輸服務同時在進行尋路機制時,會因為路徑之間可能共享相同的無線媒介而造成資源競爭的問題。為了解決路徑之間的競爭,在本文中提出一個以拍賣機制為基礎之服務質量路由協定,用以協調路徑之間的資源競爭。而模擬結果表示,我們的方法在網路吞吐量、頻寬使用率、封包遺失率、跳數以及公平性方面優於其他路由協定。


In mobile ad-hoc networks, routing protocols are applied to find a route for transmission. When multiple services perform routing mechanism simultaneously, the issue of the resource competition will arise since routes may share the same wireless media. To resolving the contention among routes, this paper proposes an auction-based QoS routing protocols, for coordinating bandwidth allocation among competing routes. Experimental results suggest that the proposed approaches outperform others in terms of network throughput, bandwidth utilization, packet loss rate, hop count, and fairness.


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