  • 學位論文


The Impact of Facebook’s social capital on Occupation Status

指導教授 : 曾淑芬


近年來由於Facebook的蓬勃發展,其提供個人更方便及有效的經營與拓展人際關係,以及Facebook的能供性得以幫助使用者隨時經營現有社會關係,及間接連結現有社會關係,以及尋回過去失落的連結。而個人在Facebook上經營的社會網絡,是否如同過去研究發現個人社會網絡(social networks)或社會資本(social capital)對於求職有相當影響性。因此本研究的第一個研究問題為個人在Facebook上社會網絡連結程度,對於其獲取的職業聲望有何影響,第二個研究問題為個人在Facebook上所擁有的接觸社會資本如何影響其職業聲望,第三個研究問題為高社經地位與低地經地位不同群體,其Facebook網絡連結強度分別如何影響職業聲望的高低。 本研究按研究目的進行立意抽樣後,以元智大學大學部93級及94級的一般生畢業校友為普查對象共計2,725人,並透過校友於元智大學電子信箱帳號寄送網路問卷連結進行調查,最後共計回收223份問卷,有效問卷為162分、無效問卷為61分。其次,本研究利用次序迴歸分析法針對Facebook社會網絡弱連結、接觸的社會資本對於現全職職業聲望及現全職平均月收入之影響進行分析,及利用線性迴歸分析法針對低社經地位者的Facebook社會網絡弱連結對於接觸的社會資本之影響進行分析。本研究結果顯示個人有愈多Facebook上的社會網絡連結並不會顯著地影響其平均的月收入。個人在Facebook上擁有愈多可接觸的社會資本對於他的平均月收入也沒有顯著的影響,但本研究進一步分析發現,性別與接觸的社會資本之交互作用會對個人平均月收入發揮效益,尤其女性的正向效益大過於男性。整體看來雖然男性平均薪資高於女性,但女性經營Facebook上的社會網絡對於其平均月收入產生正向影響;反之,男性經營Facebook上的社會網絡與其平均月收入則為負向影響。最後,本研究分析結果發現個人的Facebook社會網絡強、弱連結均得以協助個人獲取更多的接觸的社會資本,而這樣的效果不會因畢業於不同的學院而有所差別。


The raising of Facebook is one of the most popular social networking sites in recent years. Studies have suggested that the use of Facebook will enable people to maintain their interpersonal relationships, expand their indirect interpersonal contacts or reconnect with their friends. Previous studies have also demonstrated that interpersonal relationships provide individuals with useful information and resources (i.e. social capital) in the job seeking process. Would the use of Facebook change the ways how people mobilize their social relationships to seek better jobs? The purposes of this study are exploring (1) how individuals’ strength of ties on Facebook influence their current occupation statuses and income, (2) does access to social capital on the Facebook help to seek better occupations and higher income, (3) how does the social capital effect on the job seeking differ between high and low social economic status groups? This study investigated recent graduates in the academic year 2004-2005 of the Yuan Ze University by employing internet survey method in 2012. The total population was 2,725 and the survey successfully interviewed 162 respondents. In all, the social networks on the Facebook did not show significant effects on the occupational status and income. Nevertheless, the results indicate that the interaction of gender and social capital did have impacts on income. For female graduates, their social capital on Facebook was positively associated with income; on the contrary, for male graduates, their social capital on Facebook show a negative effect on income. Finally, the findings suggested that increases of both strong and weak ties on the Facebook enable people to have more opportunities to access social capital, and the effects of social ties on extending personal social capital did not differ across academic colleges.


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