  • 學位論文


Applying Fuzzy AHP Evaluate the Clouding of the Enterprise Infomration System

指導教授 : 張百棧


隨著網路頻寬的提升及「雲端化」技術趨於成熟,「雲端化」已在市場上推行了一段時間,目前也是企業的資訊管理人員,在評估導入或調整系統的重要評估因素。「雲端化」的策略規劃,目前也有許多專業的服務廠商,除了提供正面的報導及規劃導入的策略,也描述企業導入後,所帶來許多的優質因素。對於資訊管理的主管,這是面臨須供應企業不斷變化需求的服務評估要素。 但在目前配合系統維護的企業中,觀察到「雲端化」雖然已陸續有幾家導入,但部署到整體系統環境並不是非常的普及;另外是準備進行系統汰舊換新的客戶,對於是否採用「雲端化」模式更新,也在評估階段。此項研究,主要是搜集並整理「雲端化」帶來的各項效益因素,並請目前配合系統維護的企業資訊管理人員,協助回應其考量,以得到各項效益的優先順序。最後可此研究的分析結果,做為後續專案規劃及系統維護的參考指標。


雲端化 公有雲 私有雲 混合雲


With the promoted Internet bandwidth and the advanced i-cloud technology, “cloud computing” has reached its maturity. Many of our Information Technology Enterprises regard integrating the new i-clouds with old systems as one significant success factor. A professional and strategic planning of i-cloud service becomes a must since it accompanies with many advantages. As for all CIOs, selecting this kind of service becomes an industrial impact assessment in meeting the needs of customers. Observing the current i-cloud users, we learned there are a few enterprises adopting the service, but overall, integrating a complete system is still scarce. As for users who are thinking whether to change the old system into i-cloud, we understand they are still in the process of weighing pros and cons. This study aims to collect and organize the effectiveness and benefits of i-cloud service from reliable information management maintenance staff members. With their assistance, we are able to rank each benefit for later follow-ups and references in the future.


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