  • 學位論文


An Interaction Model of Firm Resources and Competitive Actions: Investigating the Interfirm Rivalry in the Tablet PC Industry

指導教授 : 廖東山


本研究以動態競爭理論為基礎,並以資源管理觀點作為主軸,探討企業資源、競爭行動與績效之交互作用模型。過去研究發現企業資源、競爭行動與績效之中介效果的存在,但此仍不足以說明企業該如何有效運用資源並融入在自身的競爭行動中。本研究主張企業績效取決於策略行為與資源間之槓桿適配程度。因此,本研究企圖彌補過去研究不足之處。透過觀察平板電腦產業 - Google與Apple兩大陣營間 - 之競爭互動行為,建立企業資源、競爭行動與績效之交互作用模型。 本研究以平板電腦廠商為研究樣本,自Digitimes資料庫蒐集2010年至2011年共計超過3,200筆新聞資料,並進一步區分為Apple與Google兩大作業系統之競爭陣營。本研究運用結構內容分析法(Structured Content Analysis)擷取平板電腦相關新聞,以建立樣本資料庫。同時,自International Data Corporation與Strategic Analytics蒐集iOS與Android行動作業系統之全球市占率以時間序列分析法(Time Series Analysis)做月資料分析。 研究結果證實企業資源與競爭行動之交互效果對企業績效之影響。此外,本研究也發現一組新的變數-策略多變性-能夠有效呈現競爭態勢中廠商競爭行動變化的特質。此一貢獻能夠讓動態競爭觀點在劇目分析 (Repertoire Analysis)的方法中了解策略的不可預期性與企業績效間的關係。從策略的多變性之中,本研究進一步發掘首動者與追隨者之間在市場的競爭行動中策略規劃與執行的差異。


By building on an emerging theoretical engagement with resource management in the perspective of competitive dynamics, this research explorers the competitive rivalry between Google and Apple in the global tablet PC industry. With this investigation, it examines the interaction effects of firm resources and acting strategies on performance. This research proposes that the fit of leveraging resources on strategic actions, and vice versa, is crucial to firm performance. The purpose of this study is thus to provide an interaction model for filling the gap in competitive dynamics literature. A major concern of the gap in the field is that a mediating causal relationship among firm resources, strategic actions and performance is potentially inadequate for illustrating how managers struggle on resource management for conducting strategic actions. This research conducts structured content analysis for developing the associated measures and time series analysis for the hypothesis analysis. There are more than 3,200 news, during the period from January 2010 to December 2011, associated with strategic actions and firm resources extracted from the daily news available from the Digitimes. This study also collects information relating to global market share of mobile operating system from International Data Corporation and Strategic Analytics for developing dependent measurement. With significant empirical evidence, this research identifies that strategic actions are potentially in an interaction relationship with firm resources for illustrating the variation of performance. The findings also reveal strategic diversion, specifically for action repertoire analysis, as a new set of competitive dynamics. Finally, this paper also highlighted the major differences between first movers and second movers in terms of their behaviors in conducting their diversion-related acting strategies.


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