  • 學位論文


The Research of Fire Field Verifying and Take Refuge Simulation in YILAN REN-AI Hospital

指導教授 : 林誠興


由於社會結構的變化,台灣已逐步進入老年化的時代,為照顧年紀大的老人,部分醫院亦有附設安養機構,照顧重症病患或行動不便的老人,而國內醫療院所在各地區非常普遍,早期設立之醫院消防設施,對火災之防範發揮有限,由於火災的高溫濃煙尚伴隨大量的有毒氣體將造成人員的傷亡以及財物的損失(在目前的科學中仍無法精確的預測),醫院內部裝璜、消防設備、避難逃生設施、滅火設備、防燄設施等等亦相形重要,在這樣的時空環境之下,平時對於未來災害的準備與預防,便成為防災計畫的重要工作。 本論文透過真實案例,利用NIST所發展的FDS(Fire Dynamics Simulator)來進行火災模擬,依照學校圖書館、網路及報章媒體獲得的資訊,建立成模型進行模擬,並探討火災發生時,所產生的高溫、一氧化碳濃度以及氣層高度的變化,進而改變模型設定參數,如建物的裝潢材質、增減主火源熱釋放率等,研究變動相關參數對火災的影響,以及進行逃生避難模擬,期望可增加醫療院所逃生的可能性,希望本研究對於醫療院所在未來防火效能上有參考價值,以降低人員的傷亡及財產的損失。


FDS 火災 場模式


City region is the main place of the population and social activities where most of the facilities and properties concentrated. once a major disaster happening, the influence will be huge. The domestic medical institutions in the area are very common, early established hospital lacked for fire-fighting facilities, and fire prevention ability also been limited. Fire intensity accompanied with high-temperature dense smokes, toxic gases causing serious personnel casualties and property losses, that still cannot be accurate predicted in the current actuarial science. Because of the social structure changes, Taiwan has gradually entered the aging era. There are many nursing homes attached to medical institutions, for taking care of elder patients of serious case or handicapped in motion. To consider fire securities of hospital such as internal decoration, fire-fighting equipment, evacuation route, flameproof facilities, etc., are very important under the current time and space environment. Hence, the disaster prevention and preparation projects have become the key job in the future. Fire Dynamics Simulator (FDS), developed from NIST, is used to carry on fire simulation. According to data from school’s library, internet and the information from media, a model is rebuilt for exploring the fire scenario, including the high temperature, carbon dioxide concentration and the air layer height. Then set the various parameters to change the model, such as buildings decoration materials, fire heat release rate, etc., to find out the effect of changes in relevant parameters on the fire and research the evacuation simulation, expect the possibility of increased hospital evacuation. The simulation result hopes to be valuable for reference of the performance of hospitals on fire safety design in the future in order to reduce casualties and property losses.


Fire Dynamics Simulator fire filed model


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傅淑宜(2015)。客家社區培力與環境教育推動之研究 -以龍潭三和社區為例〔碩士論文,國立中央大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0031-0412201512064044
