  • 學位論文


The Study of Antecedents of Purchasing Intention on Green Products

指導教授 : 湯玲郎


為提升生活品質,各國的政府和民間團體積極推動綠色消費的觀念,使得企業也開始重視環境責任的範疇。此外,企業透過企業社會責任和企業形象等,將產品價值傳達給消費者。若消費者的需求能被滿足,價值便能有效傳遞,進而提升其購買意願。 本研究以影響綠色產品的顧客認知價值與購買意願之前置因素為主軸,探討企業社會責任、企業形象與綠色消費認知等變項的影響。本研究共回收259份有效樣本,並利用SPSS統計軟體進行分析。研究結果發現,企業社會責任、企業形象與綠色消費認知,皆對顧客認知價值和購買意願有顯著正向影響;而顧客認知價值對購買意願亦有顯著正向影響。 本研究經分析後,認為企業執行社會責任活動並提升企業形象,對於顧客的實體價值和情感價值影響最大。而消費者在綠色消費的過程中,較重視產品的環保標章與其他認證,同時也獲得較高的情感價值。此外,企業社會責任、企業形象和綠色消費認知皆會對購買意願造成直接的影響效果,但顧客認知價值則在這其中,存在部分的中介效果,且以情感價值與實體價值的影響程度最高。因此,本研究認為企業若能針對顧客特性與喜好,提升其顧客認知價值,將可更加有效地帶動消費者對於綠色產品的購買意願。


In order to elevate the quality of life, governments and civic groups have been trying hard to promote the concept of green consumption. Which makes corporates start to put more emphasize on CSR (corporate social responsibility) and “environmental responsibility”. Besides, corporates communicate the valus of products to consumers by social responsibility activities and good corporate image. If consumers’ demands can be accomplished, the value can be delivered effectively, thereby enhancing consumers’ purchasing intention. This research tries to find antecedents factors of purchasing intention on green products. And discuss the impacts of corporate social responsibility, corporate image and cognition of green consumption. There are total 259 useful questionnaires in this research, and use SPSS statistics software to analyze these data. According to the analysis result, corporate social responsibility, corporate image and cognition of green consumption are all significantly positively affect customer perceived value and consumers’ purchasing intention.The other side, customer perceived value can also significantly positively affect consumers’ purchasing intention. After the empirical research, this research reveals that CSR activities and good corporate image can positively affect customers’ physical value and emotional value. In the process of green consumption, whether the products have eco-labels or other certifications are regarded as an important thing, and these can also bring costomers emotional value. Besides, corporate social responsibility, corporate image and cognition of green consumption are all significantly positively affect consumers’ purchasing intention. However, customer perceived value has the partial mediating effect on these variables. When emotional value and physical value are improved, consumers’ purchasing intention may also be higher. As a result, this research suggests that if corporates enhance customer perceived value based on customers’ characteristics and preferences, their purchasing intentions of green products can be strengthened.


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