  • 學位論文


The Research of Applying Patent Index Analysis in Selecting Patent Strategies

指導教授 : 任恒毅


摘要 在專利戰中,如何加速自身研發速度並且同時進行專利申請核准並順利通過將是一個企業對於專利管理所追求的最終目的,但是如何做到以及後續行動即是本研究所探討的方向,專利對於大家已經不是一個陌生的名詞,現今各產業中專利數量也已經十分驚人,如果對於專利管理並無提前做好規劃而等到專利侵權時才開始進行替代方案的討論也已經為時已晚,甚至使的整個研發成果化為烏有也是常見的案例,而當專利順利核准通過後,這項專利又能如何為自身追求利潤以及提升企業自我價值創造合作關係等等更是重要的議題,本研究擬定用專利指標之專利活動指標(PA)與專利品質評價指標(PQe)探討專利的運用與策略,解析各公司於特定產業不同技術面之專利數量及品質,以掌握其研發能力及未來可發展方向,亦探討專利技術發展程度、各公司於特定產業中之定位,並於最後討論一學術研究個案單位進行個案套用,透過個案為高技術但低規模的情境分析下結合本研究所擬定出的專利分析架構,找出適合此個案的專利策略建議並給予一整套專為此個案所設計的專利策略流程。


In the war of patents, how to speed up new technology research and development and promptly converting the results into patents is the goal of patent management of an organization. If an organization has no plan for patent management and only passively responds when the patent infringement is claimed, the results of lost investment of research and development are not uncommon. Nowadays the numbers of patents are huge, if a patent is approved, how to make profits and increase the value from the approved patent are important issues for an organization. Facing the above concerns, the study suggests using two indexes: Patent Activity (PA) index and Patent Quality Evaluation (PQe) index, to explore respective patent strategies to assist an organization to plan future patent management actions. PA and PQe analyze the patent numbers, patent ownerships in specific classification, and evaluate patent quality of various patent owners. This helps an organization to understand not only its strategic position, but also the positions of others. A case study was presented and it is about an academic institute in developing sensors for the use within Lithium battery. Based on PA and PQe analysis, the strategic position, which is high on technical contents but low in scale, is identified. A whole package of patent strategy is then suggested based on its position with other patent owners.


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