  • 學位論文

The Relationship of Environmental Practices on Consumer Perceived Value and Customer Satisfaction in the Hospitality Industry

The Relationship of Environmental Practices on Consumer Perceived Value and Customer Satisfaction in the Hospitality Industry

指導教授 : 翁華鴻


越來越多的關注,環境退化,促使人們認識到必須保護環境使這一個重大問題,不僅在某些部門的社會,但作為一個整體。 這種現象造成了一個全新市場作出了客戶的人都意識到的產品和服務,他們購買,要求公司提供生態友善的商品和那些正積極地支持的環境做法。 在這一論斷,關系的環境管理做法和客戶滿意度通過調解作用的價值在酒店服務的建議。 以下是介紹和討論,以了解的關系的變量: 1. 方面的環境做法的范圍內的旅館的服務是提交和測試通過探索性因素分析和確定因素分析。 2. 的多才多藝的層面,價值擬議在以前的一項研究評估 3. 間接影響如果環境做法感到滿意 分析研究可以大大有助於了解客戶的觀念在執行環境做法的酒店以及有效尺寸在環境方面的做。


The growing concern for environmental degradation has prompted the recognition of the need for environmental protection making this a major issue not only in certain sectors of the society but as a whole. This phenomenon created a whole new market made up of customers who are conscious of the products and services which they purchase, seeking firms which are offering eco-friendly goods and those who are actively in support of environmental practices. In this thesis, the relationship of environmental management practices and customer satisfaction through the mediating role of perceived value in the context of hotel services was proposed. The following are presented and discussed to understand the relationship of the variables: 1. Aspects of environmental practices in the context of hotel services are presented and tested through exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis. 2. The versatility of the dimension of perceived value proposed in a previous study was assessed 3. Indirect effects if environmental practices to satisfaction The analysis of the study can greatly help in understanding customer’s perceived values in implementing environmental practices in hotels as well as the valid dimensions in terms of environmental practices.


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