  • 學位論文


The Research of the Subculture and Gender Performativity of the Feminine Adolescents:A Case Study of the Girl Students in the Junior High School

指導教授 : 王俐容


本研究旨在了解國中青少女在從事外貌裝扮的行為背後,所蘊涵之學校規訓、青少女次文化、性別意識、身體展演方式與消費實踐等議題之探討。本研究透過問卷調查、焦點團體、深度訪談三種方式,觀察國中青少女外貌裝扮經驗與身體權力關係的發展。綜合研究發現,歸納結論如下: 一、學校基於保護及公平性立場,訂定相關的服裝儀容規定,達到學生服從及方便管理的策略性目的。學校也透過各種權力技術在學生的身上施展控制,使得學生的「身體」成為校方發展權力的對象。然而,她們的自主、叛逆、重視同儕等青春期特徵,成為挑戰校方權威的強大力量,因此,她們總嘗試在學校規訓邊緣,展演其身體次文化,並從中尋求「同儕認同」與「自我認同」。 二、國中青少女在社會化過程中,學習身體的性別展演方式,追求社會所建構的性別角色期待,以獲得「性別認同」,此具有維持社會秩序的功能。她們透過父權主義與廣告媒體所共同運作下的主流美貌意識,作為評斷自我身體的標準,然而,卻忽略了個體差異及多元意義。此外,女體在男性凝視之下,成為被觀看的客體及可消費之「商品」,混淆了對自我身體的價值觀。 三、國中女生的外貌裝扮行為正如Judith Butler之論述,性別是肉體一再重複所形成的結果,而身體是作為從事性別展演的場域。另外,國中女生所採取「扭轉凝視」的姿態,仍是為了獲得男性的肯定目光,其主體性依舊是在父權意識的壓迫之下。在消費實踐上,她們是在資本主義與媒體所共同運作下的消費市場中作有限的選擇,選購那些可以達到「標準美女」樣態的產品,其消費自主性是受限且被操控的。


The main purpose of this research is to understand the construction of physiognomic primping for the girl students in the junior high school. It contains the subjects of school discipline, subculture of the feminine adolescents, gender consciousness, gender performativity and consumptive praxis. This research makes use of the methods of questionnaire, focused interview and deep interview. By summarizing analyses, the conclusion of this research is induced as follows: I.The school sets up the disciplines about uniform and appearance for students on the basis of protection and equitableness to achieve the strategic purposes out of deference and administration. The students’ body have become the objects under school control with all kinds of techniques. However, their puberty characteristics of autonomy, rebellion and thinking highly of fellowship are the antogonism towards school authority. Therefore, they always feel like performing bodily subculture by the limit of school disciplines to seek the “Peer-Identity” and “Self-Identity.”. II.Through the process of socialization, the feminine adolescents use gender performativity to satisfy the expectation of gender roles and acquire the “Gender-Identity. They judge themselves by using the mainstream beauty consciousness which is under the manipulation of patriarchy and mass medium. However, they ignore the individual differences and multiple meanings. Besides, the female bodies become the objects and commodities gazed by the men. This phenomenon confuses the values that they appraise their bodies. III.The behavior of physiognomic primping for the girl students conforms to the discourse of Judith Butler. Gender is the result of repetitively manipulation for their physical bodies, and their bodies are the spaces which are engaged in gender performativity. Moreover, the girl students assume the position of “gaze manipulating” to gain the male identification. Their subjectivities are still under the pressure of patripotestal consciousness. They choose the products which are manipulated collectivity by capitalism and ads. Therefore, their consumptive choices are restrictive and controlled.




