  • 學位論文


A Study on the Design of Museum Interactive Exhibition

指導教授 : 周文修


近年來影響博物館變化因素很多,包括人們的教育觀念、經濟狀況以及精神上的需求。不論博物館的類型、收藏、展示策略、經營理念,已經呈現多元化與鮮活化的發展風貌。所有的博物館都開始思考,利用科技來為博物館帶來更寬廣的視野。展示是博物館的重要功能,與博物館有著密不可分的關係。展示的外表是為了吸引觀眾駐足觀看,觀眾受到吸引而駐足之後,進而投入展示情境,讓觀 眾產生深入的興趣。因此對於博物館來說,展示只是一種告知資訊的手段。教育 才是展示的核心目標,透過展示讓觀者能夠理會與理解才是展示的重要意義。 互動展示的興起,加入能與觀者互動的元素成為近年的潮流。相對於傳統靜 態展示方式,動態互動展示似乎更能夠引起觀者的興趣與共鳴。互動展示亦即將 傳統靜態陳列展品的方式,利用科技重新詮釋展品,讓觀者可以參與操作或是主 動與展品互動交流。展示規劃必須配合主題找出適合方案,之後評估其可行性。 由於展示設計的成本相當高昂,如能事先了解設計元素的考量,則能降低展示成 本、達到展示效益。本研究的目的在於整理分析關於互動展示設計之原則,提供 於展示設計初期之參考。透過文獻探討形成訪談大綱後,進行深度訪談與實地觀 察案例分析,將相關資料記錄蒐集整理。在資料蒐集階段之後將進行訪談與相關 案例分析結果等資料分析與彙整,最後提出具體結論與建議。


互動展示 展示設計


In recent years, numerous factors posed impacts on museums, including people’s educational concepts, economic status, and spiritual needs. Thus, museums have tried to be diversified and animated in their categories, collections, exhibition strategies, and management concepts; and all of them have begun to make use of technology to create more possibilities. Exhibition is an important function for museums and it possesses close tie with them. Exhibition per se is to attract the viewers’ attention and enhance their interest by leading them into the context. To museums, therefore, exhibition is just a means of information-notifying, and its core goal lies in education – the most important meaning in exhibition is to let the viewers understand and perceive through exhibit display. The emerging interactive exhibition incorporates viewer interactions and has turned out to be a trend in these years. Contrary to traditional static display, dynamic exhibition seems to be more attractive and moving to viewers. Deriving from traditional static display, interactive exhibition reinterprets the exhibits through modern technology, offering viewers a chance to participate in the operation or actively interact with the exhibits. In terms of exhibition planning, the most appropriate project must be figured out to accord with the theme, and feasibility assessment should be conducted. Due to the high cost in exhibition design, beforehand understanding towards design elements ought to be achieved to lower the exhibition cost and attain the benefit. The study aimed to work out the principles about interactive exhibition design to be a reference for future design in the initial stage. Besides, based on literature review, the researcher created the interview guide and undertook in-depth interviews, field observation, and case analyses. After relevant data were collected and compiled, the interview content and the analysis results of related cases were examined to propose final conclusion and suggestions.


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