  • 學位論文

利用MEPM模式改善外包商品質之研究 - 以印刷電路板產業為例

A Study on Using MEPM Model to Improve the Quality of Outsourcing - Using PCB Industry as an example

指導教授 : 張百棧


在供應鏈管理盛行的今日,外包商與製造商的關係轉變為唇齒相依、共同合作的利益共同體。優良的外包商可以滿足企業對原物料及委外生產訂單上的品質、交期、價格、配合度…等條件,進而可讓企業更能正確且快速地滿足顧客的需求,並維持其競爭優勢。 本研究試圖建構出一個可以供企業活用在協助外包商改善活動推行的架構,該模式主要分為兩大階段,分別是需求確認階段(ME)、以及專案管理階段(PM),合稱為MEPM模式。模式中每個階段各有不同的步驟,透過這一連串步驟的進行,期望能達到有效改善及提升外包商品質之目標。本研究並以印刷電路板製造業為例,個案公司利用MEPM模式協助其外包商進行品質改善活動,以驗證本研究所建構出之MEPM模式在運作上之可行性。另外,透過實際個案之進行,彙整出利用MEPM模式推行改善專案的過程中所遭遇之困難及解決方法,提供給欲將六標準差專案管理推行到外包商的企業參考。 最後,並將本研究所建構之MEPM模式,與近年其他學者所提出之專案推動模式進行比較,依據比較結果找出本模式之優劣勢。


MEPM模式 外包商 六標準差


Under prevalence of supply chain management nowadays, outsourcing and manufacturers maintain a very interdependent relationship as an interest community based on cooperation. An excellent outsourcing can meet the demands of the manufacturer on raw materials, as well as the quality, delivery period, price, and reliability on outsourced orders, so that company can meet customers’ needs more accurately and quickly to maintain its competitiveness. This study aimed to establish a structure that helps companies flexibly improving the projects carried out by outsourcing. The model is consisted of two stages, which are monitoring and evaluation, and planning and tracking, and is called MEPM. Each stage contains different procedures, through which, it is expected to effectively improve and enhance the quality of supplier quality. The case study selected a company in the PCB industry, and through its utilization of MEPM on the quality improvement of its outsourcing, this study verified the feasibility of MEPM in practice. Also, through the case study, the problems encountered during the implementation of MEPM model and solutions were proposed as a reference to companies that intend to utilize Six Sigma project management on outsourcing. Lastly, the MEPM model was compared with project implementation models suggested by other scholars in the recent years, and identified the strengths and weakness of this model based on the comparison results.


MEPM Model Outsourcing Six Sigma


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