  • 學位論文


The Service Concept of In-depth Tourism

指導教授 : 陳怡之


觀光旅遊是許多國家賺取外匯發展經濟的主要來源。在全球各國外匯收入中超過百分之八來自觀光效益,總收益亦超過其他國際貿易種類,高居全球第一,平均每年約有五兆三千三百億美元(WTO, 2000);此外全球觀旅遊收益自60年以來,足足成長66.2倍,至2000年已達到3.5兆美元,預估2010年將達6.5兆美元,2015年全球觀光旅遊收益將突破7兆美元(WTTC, 2006)。 有鑒於觀光產業之潛力,各國無不盡力推動觀光已發展經濟。然觀光旅遊引起這麼大的效益動機為何,本研究從過去的觀光旅遊歷史發現,由於旅遊者需求不斷改變,促使各階段旅遊時期與旅遊型態有所轉變,因此根據整個產業脈絡,提出「深度旅遊」新旅遊型態,協助觀光旅遊產業發現未來契機。此外有鑒於新型態發展初始,對內涵不甚了解,故採用服務概念的觀點,協助觀光旅遊產業之服務提供者對深度旅遊有一整體的概念。 故本研究以文獻探討討論「深度旅遊」與「服務概念」兩項議題,並發展知識內涵、服務體驗、顧客價值、服務特徵、以及服務傳遞等衡量構面,推導出十一項命題,爾後從五個全球知名深度旅遊案例,以深度訪談為輔,初步證實其命題的正確性,進而確認深度旅遊服務概念之架構。最後本研究觀察出影響深度旅遊服務概念應用因素,也根據相關問題提出解釋;亦針對旅遊產業、深度旅遊服務業者與旅遊者提出不同的建議。


Tourism and Travel industry is the main source to help many countries make a lot of foreign exchange and develop ecomomy. In most of countries, exceeding 8% foreign exchange comes from tourism and travel, and its beneficial result, average revenue more than five hundred millions, also exceeds others types of international trades(WTO, 2000). From 1960, tourism and tavel growthed 66.2 folds, to 2000, total revenue attaines to 3.5 hundred millions, and 2010 will attain 6.5 hundred millions, and 2015 total revenue will attain more than 7 hundred millions(WTTC, 2006). In terms of the potential of trouism and travel, most of countires including developing countries and master countries develop and improve tourism and travel industry at full steam. This paper lookes back on the history of tourism and travel development, and discoveries the change of travelers’ demand and expectation is the main driver that accelerates the change of trourism and travel industry. Afterward this paepr advances a new type service called in-depth tourism, and tries to create a new service which more touches to travelers’ individual demand and expectation and than assists them to fulfill higher satisfaction. Respecting in-depth toursim is a new phenomenon; this paper adapts the veiwpont of service concept to aim service providers of tourism and travel build a clear and complete constructure. This paper reviews related literatures about in-depth tourism and service concept, developes some of demensionsm and propositions on the service concept of in-depth tourism. In order to prove the correction of proposition, this paper finds and analyses five cases and also interviews with many in-depth travlers, and based on research, comfirm the constructure of the service concept of in-depth tourim. Finally, this paepr provides some conclusions and suggestions to service providers who concline to develop the service of in-depth tourism and to traveleres who are interested in.


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