  • 學位論文


The Study of the Army Officer’s Re-employment Under Influence of the “ Jingjin Program”.

指導教授 : 謝登旺


就歷史的經驗而言,國軍組織的裁簡通常與外部環境有直接的關係,國軍為達成外在環境變遷因應未來發展趨勢,乃藉貫徹「精兵政策」及兵力結構之全面轉型,以達成戰力倍增、有效因應威脅之建軍發展目標。 為使國軍(陸軍)組織精簡目標之圓滿達成,須妥善規劃、處理「精進案」所產生的相關問題,諸如:軍官的二度就業及終身學習問題,使幹部在離退後具備應有的專業技能,融入社會及相關職場中,期建立組織內、外良性互動回饋機制,以利國軍永續發展。 本研究係以「精進案」期間陸軍軍官二度就業為主軸,並從終身學習與生涯規劃等角度切入,進行深廣的探討。「精進案」執行期間,無論在整體安全情勢及就業環境上,顯示陸軍軍官二度就業有著相對不利的外在條件發展趨勢,陸軍為因應此一挑戰,雖配合國防部採取相關的配套措施,但成效有限。經由本研究顯示,若依現行之徵募比及國防預算結構條件下,在未來4~6年間,勢將展開另一波的組織棈簡,本文也提出相關的觀點及建議,以利未來政策規劃的參考。


From the past experiences, usually there are direct link between the cut back of military personnel of R. O. C. and the change of the external environment. According to the threat and pressure from environmental change, it’s necessary to solve the problem through some measures which are including the policy of down size the military organizations and take comprehensive formation on force structure. In order to find out the Army officer’s re-employment key issue relate to the “Jingjin Program “ which mean the military down size policy during 2004 to 2008. In this study will focus on the comprehensive issue of their re-employment experiences and conditions through the lifelong learning, which including the pre-employ training and professional skills either they possess it in the military or they will own it since retired, and the career program study. In the end, the study provides some suggestions as a complete set of feedback to the policy of the “Jingjin Program “. In this study, writer predict that within four to six years there is another military organizations formation policy will be carried out according to the limitation of the national defense budget, annual national birth rate, military service system and conditions at present. It is better way to take deep and comprehensive survey to evaluate the situations seriously in advance than do nothing or in a passive attitude until the potential issue is burst out creating a lot of social problems. So, in this study provides some measures and critical points to prevent the same problems that the “Jingjin Program “had happen before in the issue of how to create design the Army officer’s, even the veteran’s, re-employment policy.


陳德禹 ,2004《退輔會五十週年回顧與展望》:台北,台大政治學系。
吳冠輝、韓敬富 ,1999〈精實案後現行志願役軍人及退伍軍人福利政策之評估〉《復興崗學報》68:113-145。:台北,政戰學校。
