  • 學位論文


The Study of "Commercial Externality" of Anchor Tenants in Large Scale Shopping Centres- Comparative Study of TaiMall "A-Zone 動力站" & "ACE歡影城"

指導教授 : 陳家祥


主力店對購物中心而言,除了承租一定規模的面積、支付一定的租金以外,也扮演對購物中心的形象定位及吸引其他承租戶進駐的積極功能,而營運中的購物中心期待主力店發揮的就是它吸引人潮(集客)的功能,為購物中心的其他非主力店帶來商機。 過去在主力店與購物中心關係的研究上,主要表現在主力店吸引的人潮為購物中心帶來人潮的外溢效果,而外溢的人潮為購物中心帶來商機,因此研究的重點在於人潮的外溢效果上。但商機的成就對購物中心而言,卻是主力店吸引的人潮能否在非主力店發生消費、對購物中心產生業績,這才是效益的實質成就。而因為這些效益是發生在主力店以外,因此本研究即借用經濟學『外部性』的觀念來表現這個概念,也因為主力店對購物中心的外部性可以表現在很多層面,包括招商面、財務面或社會面等,為有效研究主力店對購物中心“業績的增益”,本研究將外部性界定為『營業的外部性』。 仔細分析主力店對購物中心營業外部性的成就過程,可以從主力店吸引的人潮開始(即主力店的集客力),其次是對購物中心的人潮分享,最終則是分享的人潮在購物中心延伸消費等三階段,如果主力店本身的集客力強,而主力店與購物中心構成的承租組合在商店形象的一致性高、又能符合消費者多元消費目的的尋求,則可以預期的是該主力店對購物中心有很強的營業外部性,反之任一階段若有缺憾,則營業外部性將打很大的折扣。 對購物中心而言,如果主力店的付租能力佳、營業外部性又強,則該主力店是購物中心絕佳的租戶,購物中心的成功也是可以預期的,但現實的情況多是主力店無法有令人滿意的租金,但若其能對購物中心產生不錯的營業外部性,則是次佳的選擇,但若支付租金已不高,而吸引的人潮與購物中心的客層定位不符、商店形象亦不一致,又未能滿足消費者多元消費目的而延伸消費,則主力店與購物中心的扞格是可以預知的。 台茂購物中心位於地下二層創新規劃的『A-Zone動力站』,營業面積約5,617坪(含健身中心),係一以運動休閒娛樂為主題的複合式商場,概念上已可視為一主力店的規格,惟因運動場館面積大、坪效相對低,因此若認真檢討其自營績效確實並不理想,惟若其可以發揮強大的營業外部性,或許是一個具有存在價值的主題設施,而因營業外部性並未有數量化的衡量公式,因此本研究希望在排除其他變數下,以進駐同一購物中心之另一娛樂主力店─『歡影城』(營業面積約4,800坪)作營業外部性的比較,希望能在條件相近的比較基礎上,分析『A-Zone動力站』相對於『歡影城』對台茂購物中心的營業外部性的良窳,提供『A-Zone動力站』存在價值的評估。


Anchor tenants to shopping centres go beyond simply setting aside a substantial area for the purpose and determining the rent, it is also important to assess the ability of the anchor to contribute and enhance the revenue of the shopping centre, and equally important to recognize and reconcile its impact on the image of the shopping centre, its positioning and compatibility with other tenants, thereby achieving the original objective of leveraging on the anchor’s ability to attract shopper traffic and hence improve the performance of the shopping centre. The traditional purpose of anchors in shopping centres had hinged upon their ability to attract shopper traffic that would generate a spillover effect to benefit the other retailers in the shopping centre, hence the predominance of research into achieving the spillover shopper traffic. However, a more effective gauge would be to assess if the spillover shopper traffic results in purchases beyond the anchor. For the purpose of this study, the concept of “externality”, a term borrowed from economics, shall be introduced to expound the effects of anchors on leasing, finance, social and other factors. Studies on the financial impact of anchors on shopping centres shall be referred to as the “Commercial Externality”. The effectiveness and different stages of the anchor’s “commercial externality” can best be separated into 3 stages starting with the manner in which it attracts shopper traffic (anchor shop pulling power), the distribution of shopper traffic to other parts of the shopping centre and finally purchasing pattern of shoppers. It stands to reason then that a strong anchor would be highly beneficial to a shopping centre with a complementing tenant mix meeting the needs of the shopping public. Conversely, an anchor would do little for the shopping centre if the latter does not possess the right mix of tenants nor meet the needs of shoppers. From the shopping centre perspective, if the anchor does provide a strong rental income stream and possesses a strong and positive “commercial externality” influence, it can be reasonably assumed that the shopping centre would do well from its rental revenue. In reality, however, anchors often do not offer a satisfactory rental income. Even if the anchor delivers through its “Commercial externality” factors, it is often insignificant given the low rents, nor do these factors attract enough shopper traffic befitting the positioning that the shopping centre had set for itself. If the problem is compounded by shops failing to complement each other and, worse still, not meeting the needs of shoppers, the relationship between the anchor and the shopping centre would be predictable. TaiMall’s novel “A-Zone 動力站”, located at it basement covering an area of 5,617 ping (including the gymnasium) and offering a wide range of sports related and leisure facilities, meets the conceptual definition of an anchor. The substantial area devoted to this use resulted in the low yield and at first look seemed obvious that the result would not be satisfactory. If such a facility maximizes its potential, perhaps it would justify its existence and appropriate to expand on the theme. However, as there is no readily available basis to gauge such a relationship, it is the purpose of this study to explore with similarly themed shopping centres, perhaps “ACE歡影城” (shopping area of about 4,800 ping), to make “commercial externality” comparisons. It is hoped that through the comparative study, the positive or negative impact of “commercial externality” of “A-Zone 動力站” may be assessed and hence rationalize its continued existence.


