  • 學位論文


A Research on Willingness of Parent-teacher Interaction through Internet with TAM: A Case Study on JAPS

指導教授 : 左正東


本研究旨在探討以科技接受模式對於親、師透過網路互動意願現況之了解,並以台北市仁愛國小導師及家長為研究對象。本研究採用量化問卷調查法進行研究,問卷調查包含導師及家長二個部份。以參酌科技接受模式之自編問卷為工具進行研究。調查所得資料分別進行統計分析及製表,再根據分析資料進行推論,最後歸納整理,提出結論與建議。 根據問卷調查的結果發現,教師部份外部變因「資訊素養」、「親師傳統互動」、「互動軟體特性」這三項因素,除「資訊素養對易用性」有正向的顯著影響外,其餘對「認知有用性」及「認知易用性」都沒有顯著的影響。 而家長部份有四個項目沒有顯著的影響,分別是「資訊素養對認知有用性」、「傳統互動對認知易用性」、「傳統互動認知有用性」、「認知易用性對接受使用態度」,其餘項目皆有顯著的影響。 有關當局在校園資訊化各個層面都投注了很大的心力,但對於親、師互動這個議題,投入相關的資源後似乎沒有預期的成效,本研究結果可提供相關單位參考。


The purpose of this research aimed to study the current situation of the willingness of parent-teacher interaction through internet with Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). This study targeted on the homeroom teachers and parents of Taipei Jen-Ai Primary School (JAPS). Having adopted the methodology of quantitative questionnaire surveys, the research included both parts on homeroom teachers as well as parents. This paper made reference to self-compiled TAM questionnaire to further the study. The data obtained were employed to proceed on the statistical analysis and the table production, respectively. Thereafter, pursuant to the information analyzed to conduct deduction, further induced the study, finally conclusions and suggestions are accordingly provided. According to the investigative result of the questionnaire on three (3) external variables of the teachers: “Self-discipline of Computer Information,” “Traditional Interaction between Teachers and Parents” and “Special Features of Software Interaction,” only “Self-discipline of Computer Information towards Perceived Ease of Use” showed positive obvious effect; the remainder indicated that there was no notable effect towards the “Perceived Usefulness” and “Perceived Ease of Use.” As to those parts in respect of parents, four (4) items showed no obvious effect, such items as “Self-discipline of Computer Information towards Perceived Usefulness,” “Traditional Interaction towards Perceived Ease of Use,” “Traditional Interaction towards Perceived Usefulness,” and “Perceived Ease of Use towards Receiving Utility Attitude;” however, the rest of items all had notable effect.. The relevant competent authorities have made significant devotion to all aspects of campus computerization. Nonetheless, for the subject of interaction between teachers and parents, it seems that the anticipated goal has not been reached after having injected related resources. This study result could serve as reference materials for the relevant authorities.


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