  • 學位論文


Safe Sex Behavior and Related Factors in Married Women

指導教授 : 王瑞霞


摘要 本研究目的在探討已婚婦女安全性行為執行情形及其相關因素。研究樣本為高雄市20-49歲已婚婦女,採隨機抽樣方式由民政局所提供資料,抽出600位已婚婦女,經郵寄方式,以不計名自填式結構問卷進行資料收集,共回收有效問卷為205份。研究工具內容包括:社會人口學變項、安全性行為、愛滋病知識、自我效能又分二個次量表,即保險套使用自我效能及性自我效能、性關係權力亦分二個次量表,即關係控制因素及決策支配因素。 本研究所得資料以SPSS.10.0套裝軟體,統計方法包括百分比、平均值、標準差、t檢定、單因子變異數分析、卡方檢定及爾森積差相關及逐步複迴歸分析。本研究結果發現:(1)已婚婦女安全性行為得分指標為58,得分情形與國內外文獻比較,顯得偏低。(2)年齡愈大執行安全性行為愈差。教育程度愈高執行安全性行為愈好。(3) 愛滋病知識題得分越高,其安全性行為得分亦高。(4) 保險套使用自我效能與安全性行為無顯著相關,而性自我效能得分越佳,執行安全性行為越好。(5) 關係控制因素與安全性行為無顯著相關,但愈有決策權者則執行安全性行為越好。(6) 愛滋病知識及性自我效能為安全性行為的顯著預測因子,可解釋安全性行為之總變異量為44.9%。 根據本研究的結果,可作為將來針對已婚婦女之族群愛滋病衛生教育之參考,及提供未來研究方向之建議。 關鍵字:安全性行為、愛滋病知識、自我效能、性關係


Abstract The purpose of this study is to understand the safe sex behavior and related factor(s) of married women. The sample is randomly selected from a database center at the Department of Civil Services, city of Kaohsiung. Originally, there were 600 married women aged 20 to 49 years old were selected. Finally, there were 205 married women mailed back the questionnaire. The tools used in this study included: Social -demographic data, a Safe Sex Behaviors Scale, a AIDS knowledge Scale, a Self-Efficacy Scale which consists of Condom Self-Efficacy Subscale and Sexual Self-Efficacy Subscale, and a Sexual Relationship Power Scale which consisted of Relationship Control factor and Decision- Making Dominance factor. The computer software SPSS for windows 10.0 was used to analyze data. Percentile, standard deviation, t-test, One-way ANOVA, Chi-square test, Person’s Correlation, and stepwise multiple regression analyses were used to analyze data. The findings of this study were as following: (1) the index score for the safe sex practice among married women is 58, which is lower than those of most foreign countries; (2) the older the women, the lower safe sex practice score they had. The higher the educational level, the better safe sex practice among married women; (3) the married women with higher score of AIDS knowledge presented higher score on safe sex practice; (4) there is no significant relationship between condom self-efficacy and safe sex practice. However, the better safe sex practice is seen among the married women who had higher sore on Sexual self-efficacy; (5) there is no significant relationship between relationship control factor and safe sex practice. The married women who had higher decision making score had better safe sex practice; (6) the important predictors of safe sex practice were AIDS knowledge and Sexual Self-Efficacy which accounted for 44.9% of total variance of safe sex practice. The findings of this study can be used as a reference for further research in the field of health education in AIDS prevention for married women. Key words: Safe sex behavior, AIDS knowledge, Self-efficacy, Sexual relationship power




