  • 學位論文


The Role of Mother Tongue in the Communication Process between Pharmacist and Patients

指導教授 : 詹道明 林孟彥


「母語」是人類最熟悉的語言,也是溝通最簡便、快速、經濟的輔助工具,藥師與病患可以透過「藥袋標示」併用語言溝通與非語言溝通來達成藥學專業服務,維護病患藥物治療的效果與身體的健康。 「藥師與病患溝通」是藥物治療最重要的一環,在醫院藥局或健保藥局,執業藥師為病患提供用藥專業服務,都要透過良好的溝通,將藥物治療的訊息與保健觀念和諧、明確、快速、完整的傳達病患。 本研究以「母語在藥師與病患溝通過程中所扮演的角色」為題,探討母語在藥事溝通過程中對病患造成哪些知覺上的影響?藥師是否曾有語言溝通障礙?造成語言溝通障礙的原因是否包含母語?希望研究得到的結果對規劃藥師在職進修課程及藥學教育政策有所裨益。 本研究結果發現如下: 1、藥師使用病患的母語與病患溝通可以提升病患的親切感。 2、藥師使用病患的母語與病患溝通可以提升病患的信任感。 3、藥師使用病患的母語與病患溝通可以提升病患的滿意度。 4、藥師使用病患的母語溝通可以提升用藥指導的理解程度。 5、藥師使用病患的母語溝通可以提升病患與藥師的互動程度。 6、藥師再進修學習英、日語的意願最高,其次才為台灣母語。 7、藥事溝通時間過短,提升病患用藥安全,還有改善的空間。


母語 藥師 病患 溝通 滿意度


Mother tongue is mankind's most familiar language, and is the most convenient, efficient, and economical tool in communication. The pharmacist could provide pharmaceutical service to patient by using medication label along with verbal or non-verbal communication. The communication between pharmacist and patient is the most important link in “medication”. In hospital pharmacy or NHI contract pharmacy, the pharmacists must maintain smooth communication with the patients in order to pass the message of medication and health care concepts harmoniously, clearly, quickly, and completely. This study focused on the “role of mother tongue in the communication process between pharmacist and patients,” and discussed the effects of the mother tongue on the cognition of patient during the communication process, and whether pharmacist may have communication disability and the causes of such disability. The results of the study are provided as reference to further education courses and pharmaceutical education policy. The results showed that: 1.By speaking the mother tongue of the patient, the pharmacist could enhance the sense of friendliness in patient. 2.By speaking the mother tongue of the patient, the pharmacist could enhance the sense of trust in patient. 3.By speaking the mother tongue of the patient, the pharmacist could enhance the level of satisfaction of patient. 4.By speaking the mother tongue of the patient, the pharmacist could enhance the understanding of patient in using medication. 5.By speaking the mother tongue of the patient, the pharmacist could enhance the interaction of the patient with the pharmacist. 6.For the willingness of getting advanced language study, most pharmacists prefer to study English and Japanese instead of Taiwanese. 7.The time for the pharmacist to communicate with the patients on the uses of medicines is insufficient; therefore, it is necessary to improve this condition in order to enhance the safety of patients’ medicine using.


Mother Tongue Pharmacist Patient Communication Satisfaction


